Interesting article about the evidence of the Jewish Exodus

by cappytan 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • cappytan
    The reality is that there is no evidence whatsoever that the Jews were ever enslaved in Egypt. Yes, there's the story contained within the bible itself, but that's not a remotely historically admissible source. I'm talking about real proof; archeological evidence, state records and primary sources. Of these, nothing exists. It is hard to believe that 600,000 families (which would mean about two million people) crossed the entire Sinai without leaving one shard of pottery (the archeologist's best friend) with Hebrew writing on it. It is remarkable that Egyptian records make no mention of the sudden migration of what would have been nearly a quarter of their population, nor has any evidence been found for any of the expected effects of such an exodus; such as economic downturn or labor shortages. Furthermore, there is no evidence in Israel that shows a sudden influx of people from another culture at that time. No rapid departure from traditional pottery has been seen, no record or story of a surge in population.
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  • KateWild

    I have heard this about the Exodus a few times.

    To be fair......when did you stop believing that the sea parted. Miracles don't really hold much weight in the Bible.

    Kate xx

  • ttdtt

    Its funny. No group is more interested in finding evidence than the Jews themselves. Jewish archaeologist have been searching for the smallest shred of evidence for many decades, with NO results. You can't find evidence of something that didn't happen.

    Anyway - you don't need to look for jewish footprints in the sand actually.

    I have mentioned this before. What happened that lead to their leaving?

    1. The world superpower (egypt) just lost all of it's first borns.

    2. Then millions of its slaves (the ones responsible for all food production, building, all work really) just up and left.

    3. Then the ENTIRE Egyptian army is killed at once.

    4. The Pharaoh is also killed.

    All of this happens, and somehow the surrounding nations decide to cut Egypt some slack and don't go in and take it over, or at least steal all their gold and women? Really?

    Not one nation mentions this grand catastrophe in their history?

    The next Pharaoh doesn't talk about how he restored the country to greatness? (by the way history does not show any lull during that time.

    How long would it take for Egypt to overcome the loss of all their 1st borns (what knowledge skills and breading power would they lose with that).

    How long would it take to recover from losing your ENTIRE Army and ALL your war implements?

    Looking for Jewish footprints from the exodus is a trivial thing compared to the missing mountain of evidence about the fall of Egypt.

  • jookbeard
    like 99.9% of the rest of the fables from the so called "word of god" another fraudulent lie
  • freemindfade
    Funny thing, on one of the jw bible tours at the metropolitan museum of modern art, in the Egypt section they point to a broken piece of pottery. Probably smalled than a silver dollar. With a small man on it with a beard. They said this was evidence of Hebrews in Egypt, they quote the scripture about the rocks crying out and acknowledge how there is virtually no evidence but the big J was using this pottery as proo . Then everyone oood and awwwd. I had to take family and friends on these tours several times. I always found them amazing. Now I just see how the witnesses twisted actually archeology and history to fit their ideas of truth. So sad.
  • ttdtt

    freemindfade - how crazy is that.

    How intellectually dishonest is it. How conditioned were we all to just accept what ever crap was told us without question.

    We had people from our hall do the tour. I think they could have walked out side the museum and shown them a old dog crap and said - "see this is from the jewish Exodus, this crap is from moses." and they would take pictures to show everyone back home.

    As for Rocks Crying Out.

    If JW really loved the people in the world, and wanted them saved, they would all STOP preaching - and let the Rocks Cry Out! People would then become JWs without question.

    Having a Rock talk to you is much more convincing than an uneducated cult follower with a flyer.

  • Divergent
    Furthermore, there is NO EVIDENCE whatsoever of Pharoah's army (armour, weapons, chariots) etc. at the bottom of the Red Sea!
  • LoveUniHateExams

    Interesting point by Divergent.

    If every verse of the bible is correct, and to be taken literally, there would likely be ample evidence of Pharoah's army at the bottom of the Red Sea.

  • Hadriel

    There is evidence of Jericho falling as well as surrounding cities however hundreds of years earlier than the supposed time of the Exodus. There is a theory that the dating of the Egyptian dynasties are off and that if shifted everything lines up.

    The video "Patterns of Evidence" explains this in depth. There is some compelling evidence there.

    The issue I struggle with more than anything is that there has been no truly credible proof of remains at the bottom of the Red Sea. If an entire army were destroyed by the sea collapsing upon them surely there'd be some evidence of some sort yet we see little to none. Swords hubs on chariots adornments etc would likely survive even centuries later.

  • Crazyguy
    I was reading a book about the subject and it brought out that there is no mention of Moses in all the minor prophet's and only a mention or two in a couple of other writing I think Isaiah and One other but these writing could of been added since experts feel Isaiah was written by more then one person. Anyway with this being said the thought that the story was a later writing after the Babylonian captivity has more merit.

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