Chelmsford is an Asbestos Dump

by Slidin Fast 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    The dubsters in the UK are being taken for such a ride.

    On one side they have prime land and property to sell in North London worth many millions of UK pounds.

    On the other they have bought a contaminated site used for years of illegal dumping. One of the main contaminants is asbestos. It will take volunteer labour months simply to remove the toxic material. It is no surprise that the local council welcomed them with open arms.\

    Young idealistic people are handling this work at their own expense, wonderful!

    The project is now teetering on the brink. The shipping is already history and now printing is in question. The once might Britain branch looks like being a shadow of its former self. They will be reduced to a service desk.

    Will the last one out turn out the lights.

  • cofty

    Asbestos contamination is bad news.

    I'm sure it would be illegal for volunteers to deal with that. There are very strict laws about handling asbestos. It's a job for licensed specialists and they don't come cheap.

    If you have evidence they are using unqualified volunteers to shift asbestos the Health and Safety Executive need to know asap

  • jookbeard
    has been for many years, growth in the UK, is on a level with Poland , Germany and other former stronghold JW nations, as is the same for the rest of Europe, more branches will die, even Selters will downsize and Europe will be based around it, a dying group that people neither care about or are interested about,an irrelevance a pest, nice to watch it shrink, wither and eventually die.

    Call a reputable Journalist and tell them you heard that volunteer workers are may be illegally handling asbestos. Lives are at stake!

    The WTBTS has knowingly dumped toxic ink in the USA, so.....


  • OrphanCrow

    I think it is a bit early in the project to say that the Temple Farm Development is running into problems with asbestos removal. The WTS was fully aware that it is a contaminated site and I would suspect that they are following regulations in how to handle the contamination.

    According to the Temple Farm Phasing Plan, it will be a five year project.

    Temple Farm Development website:

    Oh...and by the way...there was a thread on here a while back where someone was getting all excited because the site was restricted for a while and there were excavations going on. If you read the phasing plan, you will discover that those activities were part of an archaeological survey to see if there was anything historically important beneath the surface before proceeding with the project.


    Did the WTBTS come up with Temple Farms? That's creep as hell.


  • OrphanCrow
    DD: Did the WTBTS come up with Temple Farms?


    It was Temple Farm Salvage before they bought it. A car wrecking company.

    And, apparently there is a wood to the west of the site that is called "Temple Wood".

    Maybe it was the existing name that led them to believe that Jehobah had earmarked the site for them ahead of time.

    Some more info from the Chelmsford City Council:

  • kramer
    OP: You make yourself look silly writing stuff like that, if someone tells you that it's just not true.
  • snugglebunny
    I'm sure JW's will cope asbestos they can.
  • Landy

    Young idealistic people are handling this work at their own expense, wonderful!

    What Cofty said. If you have evidence that this is true (you do have evidence, don't you?) then you need to inform HSE asap.

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