Is There Anything You Can Be Thankful For Since leaving The JW`s.

by smiddy3 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy3

    I can ,the people I had influence over in joining the religion.,but have now left the religion.Granted it`s family,except for one.

    Those that were active JW`s and have now left :

    My wife

    My two sons ,and a wife of one

    My sister in Law

    My 2 nieces

    And my nephew.

    There is just one other niece that I was instrumental in getting her into the religion that remains a die-hard witness who has brought up two boys of her own ,in the religion .

    So I think that`s something to be thankful for.

    And of course all of those people I witnessed to in those 32 years who didn`t heed a thing of my witnessing to them.

  • punkofnice

    It's been a mixed blessing, but focusing on the good...

    I now think for myself.

    I play in one of the premier bands in my area.

    I am pretty much able to live my life as I'd like to. (I live alone and am totally single).

    I'm not pretending to be someone I'm not.

  • Listener

    That is really great Smiddy3. So many times we think that there is no way certain JWs would ever leave but over the passing of time we are likely to be surprised and delighted.

  • Biahi

    I am thankful I didn’t waste my young adulthood in the cult!! Am pissed about not having a normal childhood, though.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    I am thankful for my wife, youngest son's family, freedom to think for myself, our new friends and not having to wear a neck tie 4 times a week. Still Totally ADD

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    No longer in shackles, handcuffs, chains, most of all using my brains and reasoning as I see fit for my life, in my life.

    Everything after this has been a true gift.


  • tiki

    I no longer live in fear.

    I got my college education and a degree..and 3.95 gpa...this have me confidence in myself and did wonders for my self-esteem.

    I feel like a real member of society. I can voice my political views, vote and stand up for my true beliefs.

    I can dress as I choose, be kind and compassionate to all...and I can even enjoy Christmas decorations, gifts, festivities.

    I can choose my friends and enhance positive relationships and I can dismiss toxic ones.

    I can go where ever I want and do whatever I want when ever I want.

  • WTWizard

    No more wasted time running around preaching to people I don't even like being around, for the purpose of "saving" them. Or being "attracted" to them just because they took the littera-trash (and are stupid enough to fall for it).

  • Xanthippe

    I've been thinking about this Smiddy and I was going to write about all the good stuff in my life now but there's something else I want to say and I'm grateful to you for your question.

    Sometimes people accuse me of overthinking things, of over-analysing everything. I don't give a damn what they think, this brain and this personality got me out of a crazy cult. Whatever combination of genes and my own decisions to not be told what to think or do led to it, I'm grateful for it.

  • Zilgee

    No more entertaining CO for a week.....

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