MORTALITY rates Pre-Covid and Post-Covid (How are we going to understand?)

by Terry 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    But Terry the contagious effects of the virus that killed many people rapidly in countries like Italy and China to name few, were those deaths just a statistical lie ?

    The situation in the U.S.A. is ALL persons with Covid who die - are said to have died FROM Covid.

    Whether or not the absence of any pre-existing condition would allow the patient to otherwise recover from Covid is an interesting (and unprovable) question.

    AS FAR AS STATISTICS: Covid Deaths (which may only have been a "straw breaking the camel's back) are stretched into a fog of unknown unknowables.

    Remember Agatha Christie's MURDER on the ORIENT EXPRESS?
    Who was the murderer?
    The twist is this: Everybody stabbed the victim.
    Yes, yes - but really now - at some point the victim died.
    If the last person in line (for murder) used Covid-19 as the murder weapon instead of a knife - well, an American hospital would cite the cause of death as the VIRUS (for financial reasons).
    Yes, I'm exaggerating to make a point.

    Is this statistical lying? Yes and No and - does it matter?
    Like so many things: it depends on why the statistic is being used to prove a point.

    No easy answers here. I wrote the above essay because I didn't want to be totally ignorant and simply having to rely on (Pick a favorite Expert) to persuade me to Do or Not Do this or that.

  • Phizzy

    It really is a hugely difficult job to unravel the truth buried in the twisted skein of figures. " Lies, damned lies and Statistics" indeed !

    What I learned in the early months of this Pandemic was to take no notice of MSM Headlines, no notice of Social Media opinion, little notice of "Government Advisors", here in the U.K such people have been bought, so are not reliable , and pay small attention to so-called experts. Some were Scientists, but held weird opinions, and notably were not Epidemiologists or Virologists, so were merely offering an opinion no more valid than mine.

    I think it is obvious to all that Covid19 is a killer to many who get it. To argue about whether a person died "with" or "of" Covid19 does not help to get a grasp of the personal danger one faces. If I got it, I may die because my Asthma did not allow me to survive, but regardless of how the death would be recorded, I would still be dead.

    The main problem with all the factual confusion, not just figures, but facts on the nature of the diseases, and how it is spread etc etc is that nobody really knows the correct measures for Nations and Communities to take, and when to take measures.

    Personally I shall continue with my self imposed hermit existence ( well, it is almost that) and hope to keep myself and my family safe. But understanding it all in a clear way still eludes me.

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    One would have to admit there was a lot ignorance about this virus from its onslaught to the general public, with fast transmissions which caused many people to die with a fairly high mortality rate.

    This of course created a state of panic of what to do and how to do it to stop the spread.

    We learned a lot in the past few months, we now know that people can transfer the virus to others even though they themselves can be asymptomatic.

    This is a problem in itself because we can catch the virus from someone , family or friend not knowing from whom you caught from, making difficult to trace back to a certain person.

  • Terry

    The younger, fitter, healthier you are the less susceptible to Covid's lethality

    as the comparison of INFECTED to actual DEAD becomes clear.

    As we learned from being Jehovah's Witnesses - almost ANYTHING can be twisted by a single word, a comma, an omission depending on who is MANIPULATING the target audience.
    Remember this: 1."Truly (comma) I tell you today you will be with me in Paradise.
    2."Truly I tell you today (comma) you will be with me in Paradise."
    Clever change of context affecting the exact intention of the statement by use of punctuation (which did not exist at that time.)
    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was (?)"

    Yes, THAT one!
    We have two political parties trying to create chaos by weaponizing culpability for Covid death. Is it the fault of the Chinese or is it the lackadaisical response?
    Are masks vital protection - or - do they cause more harm than good? (Both are statements directly attributable to Expert authorities.)
    Are respirators vital life-saving equipment - or - has it turned out they almost always guarantee patient death?

    Up is Down, Black is White (only Black matters), and Truth is what X says it is.

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