The Effect of Fauchi and Hancock's lockdown was to protect the young and the wealthy

by Diogenesister 4 Replies latest social current

  • Diogenesister

    The Great Barrington declaration has been vindicated. Here Dr. Battacharya explains he and Dr. Sunil Gupta's hypothesis, based on research and experience of H1N1, that targeted protection of the vulnerable was optimal and achievable.

    We know vulnerability to the disease essentially doubled for every seven years of age. 80% of deaths were in the over seventies.

    Fauchi and Matt Hancock's lockdown essentially worked like this:

    If you were poor the lockdown didn't protect you. You were one third more likely to die of Covid because these people, no matter how old they were, were either low paid essential workers, or too poor to rest in place.

    The wealthy and middle classes, however, no matter how young they were, could work from home and had the space and resources to social distance whether they really needed to or not.

    We know our most 'essential resource' were not hospital beds, which were empty, but CARE HOMES which we utterly failed to protect.

    Essential viewing! Dr. Battacharya explains what went wrong......

  • pistolpete

    We know vulnerability to the disease essentially doubled for every seven years of age. 80% of deaths were in the over seventies.

    So Covid is basically a disease that targets the OLD, the Unhealthy, and those with genetic defects like diabetes.

    So was this virus some type of plan to get rid of the elderly, the sickly, and those with defects?

    That's what Hitler did.

  • FedUpJW

    So was this virus some type of plan to get rid of the elderly, the sickly, and those with defects?

    It would not surprise me. Faux-Xi would make Josef Mengele proud had they known each other.

    So Faucci, who f’d with GOF research is either a complete fu@@ing idiot, or he, and anyone participating in engineering SARS-COV—2 ( the patents exist ) and the MRNA jabs to “cure” it ( medical products existed before “Operation Warp Speed” ) are guilty of mass murder.


    It was no “failure of imagination.” It was deliberate actions by the same mentality that believe Kyle Rittenhouse should rot in jail, the same mentality that supported “mostly peaceful protests.”

    These people should be systematically rooted out of society. They are the true cancer on this Earth.


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