Your thoughts on Halloween , yes, no or maybe ?

by Finkelstein 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    How about dressing up as the magical wizard SPARLOCK!??!

  • TheListener

    Halloween has pagan origins? Yeah right.

    It's a conveyor belt of money for hollywood blockbuster movie budgets.

    ...And I love it!

    I work with all my kids to pick out fun costumes that they like and make sure they are ready to go.

    Since my wife is a witness the kids and I keep it low key. We don't pass out candy; my wife rarely even knows what costume the kids have picked out, the kids stay at a friends house so they can trick or treat and eat until they're sick.

    If pagans hung out with their neighbors, gave away free sugar and then ate it until they were sick all while wearing the latest "do I fit in with my friends" costume - then yippeee!

  • cappytan

    Fink, yes, I do get where you're coming from. I feel, though, that one can have fun on the holiday without being around those negative aspects.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    Well, as an XJW, Halloween was truly the hardest to come around… until one of my friends told me: Put yourself in God’s shoes: Would you destroy kids and their parents because they celebrate it? Heck no. Why not? For the simple reason that we know that dressing like a witch on that day doesn’t mean you want to BE a witch and serve Satan.

    This holiday is about facing our fears, not about promoting evil. Portraying evil things doesn’t mean you are in admiration of these, or that you worship them in anyway. What “actions” are done to promote bad things? Quite the contrary, while collecting candies, many kids collect funds for charities.

  • Cota Samuel
    Cota Samuel

    How about dressing up as the magical wizard SPARLOCK!??!

  • Saintbertholdt
    How about dressing up as the magical wizard SPARLOCK!??!

    Been done.

  • Finkelstein

    It should realized that there are responsible parents who do carefully watch over things that night.

    They let their kids participate for the fun the kids have in putting on a costume and knocking on doors for candy.

    Of course the WTS always over thinks things when the subject of spiritualism or paganism comes up .

  • FayeDunaway
    It's Autumn, things are dying. I Think it was pretty natural for the ancients to think the barrier between the living and the dead was narrowest at this time of year. It's pretty simple, really. Thinker Bell im with you on the disgust of the grotesque. We do celebrate Halloween, but we keep it more a celebration of fall and warm colored cozy things, like candles in pumpkins and leaf decorations. The kids dress up as Firemen or Policemen. Trick or treating is a great neighborhood thing. It's pretty cool to see your neighbors in this way. We try to make the candy last, but honestly, you're only a kid once and we let them enjoy it. I hate the ugly stuff. There is enough real ugly stuff in this world and glorifying it is not what we do. I walked into a spirit Halloween store once and turned around and left. You don't want to know what I saw. But Halloween is what you make it, and you can easily keep it sweet and fun without the bad stuff.
  • millie210
    Halloween sounds lovely done Faye Dunaway style.
  • _Morpheus

    October 31 is traditionally called "the night of courage" held on honor of all the brave who have died. In the old calendar October 31 marks the start if winter the time when death is strong in nature. The celebration includes a tribute to the heros of the past, men and women who neither lived quietly nor died quietly.

    christains just copoted it

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