Skills Questionnaire Instructions

by pixel 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pixel

    Skills Questionnaire Instructions

    1. There is an urgent need to locate exemplary brothers and sisters who possess certain skills or work experience and who are available to offer their services on a broader scale to help support the theocratic expansion work taking place worldwide. For example, skilled brothers are needed to assist with large-scale theocratic construction projects, computer-related projects, audio/video projects, and the increasing translation work. This is just a sampling of the vast areas with significant need.

    2. Please note that we are not encouraging anyone to pursue higher education or university degrees to obtain certain skills. However, we realize that a number of brothers and sisters have received vocational training or certain on-the-job training in order to support themselves in full-time service or while otherwise keeping spiritual things in first place.—Matt. 6:33.

    3. In view of the foregoing, the Skills Questionnaire (A-2) is designed to assist the organization in identifying skilled brothers and sisters who may be available to volunteer their services. However, please note that the Skills Questionnaire is not an application to make oneself available for expanded service. It is simply used to help the organization to locate qualified brothers and sisters who possess certain skills and who may be available to volunteer their services.

    4. Once a willing and qualified individual is identified, he may be asked to submit an application, such as the Application for Volunteer Program (A-19) or Application to Become a Member of the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses (A-8). Afterwards, qualified applicants may be invited to assist with Bethel work from their place of residence, to work at a Bethel facility, or to support a theocratic project in the field.

    5. Who should complete the Skills Questionnaire? All exemplary publishers who (1) are 19 years of age and older, (2) possess a particular skill or work experience, and (3) have the circumstances and desire to make themselves available should complete the questionnaire. The coordinator of the body of elders will verify that each appointed servant meeting these requirements has completed the questionnaire. If the elders are aware of other qualified baptized publishers (including sisters) who possess certain skills, the elders will provide the publishers with a copy of the questionnaire. Of course, it is recognized that because of health or family responsibilities, not all who possess a particular skill or work experience will be able to offer their services to assist the organization on a project.

    6. How should the questionnaire be completed? It is preferred that the version of the questionnaire listed under “Online Form Entry” on the “Documents” tab of be used. It is available to those who possess a account that is associated with a congregation domain, such as elders and ministerial servants.

    7. If someone does not have access to, then an elder will provide him with the version of the questionnaire that is available in the “Forms” section on the “Documents” tab. If the publisher is unable to complete the form electronically, the elder will carefully transfer all of the information to the PDF version of the questionnaire. Using the Inbox feature on, the elder will submit the completed questionnaire to “Skills Questionnaire.” If the publisher feels more comfortable filling out a printed copy and mailing it directly to the branch office, there would be no objection to his doing so. However, as noted above, it is preferred that these questionnaires be submitted to the branch office electronically.

    8. How often should the questionnaire be submitted? The questionnaire should be submitted anytime the information requires updating. For example, if an individual obtains a license or becomes certified in a certain field, he should submit a revised questionnaire.


    Bolds where in the document

  • sir82

    Huh. So it turns out that callously screwing over thousands of your most loyal adherents by kicking them out of Bethel, and stridently condemning higher education for everyone regardless of circumstances, is not the best strategy to use in order to find all the skilled workers you need.

    Who'da thunk it?

  • FeelingFree
    Wow even sister's?! How gracious to include them, but I thought they were too stupid and busy looking after the men.....
  • ToesUp

    "Please note that we are not encouraging anyone to pursue higher education or university degrees to obtain certain skills"

    Translation: We are not encouraging anyone to pursue higher education, we want TO USE brothers and sisters who already possess the skills we need for "theocratic projects."


  • millie210

    Didnt this all call originally include para legals?

    Wonder why that isnt mentioned this time?

  • wifibandit
  • ToesUp
    Welcome back wifi, we missed you.
  • Atlantis


    No problem wifi because we saved them all for you. Just let us know what you need. All the Watchtowers are finished and sent over to avoidjw. We saved all the BOEs and Forms and other rubbish spilling out of the Watchtower for you.

    Grabbing some more coffee talk with you later.


  • pixel
    Welcome back wifi, we missed you, redux.
  • wifibandit

    Yes, I saw! I'm like a kid in a candy store.

    Thanks to all those who collaborate in this work.

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