Jehovah delivers sand for a Kingdom Hall project in Micronesia

by RULES & REGULATIONS 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wozza

    "road to nowhere"

    That's really my point, the standards are lower ,but iff you think of the way WTS presents itself as gods channel with higher standards compared to the world, surely this would present an opportunity to show the people there,and including the congregation that they have a high standard but they don't do they?

    Unless it's for the the GB house - see, same old worldly hypocrisy as everyone else.

    And yes I worked on many quick builds and the standard of work and organisation was nothing like the work they put in to get the media out and take pictures. it was just worldly razzamataz.

  • Vidiot

    “Can’t make this up”?

    WTF are you talking about???

    The WTS makes this shit up all the time!!!

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I miss the old halls with local character. Limestone blocks, adobe, logs, plain frame. Now they are bland and soon to become even worse IF any are built

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