Phases of Mental Extraction

by freemindfade 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freemindfade

    In only the short time I have been no longer lurking but also posting, I have discovered some people with situations and reactions very similar to mine. I guess there are different ways people get out, some do something and are outright shunned, then they may find TTATT and stay out. But there may be more and more like me, who are 100% mentally out, but for the reason of not losing spouse and family fade. In these similarities I began to believe there must be phases people go through on their way out. Maybe this can be worked on over time, but I propose this as the phases to free your mind. 

    Phase 1: Listening to your own rational mind. Maybe its what you read in the bible that goes against what your mind choses to accept. Maybe its bible vs science. Perhaps its the literature from the org that you view the same way. Or maybe its and experience from the organization, in the hall or bethel that has got your mind saying, "is this true?". This may happen again and again, for me it was 30 years of my life, but until I decided I was not going to shut off reason and was going to allow myself to think rationally, nothing would change. I had to listen.

    Phase 2: Sampling outside "the Truth" This one is hard for me to put my finger on, but somehow you indulge a double life, maybe only dabbling in it, spending time with people outside the org, not caring about entertainment choice, breaking more serious rules, you may still feel guilty in this phase and hold on to some vestiges of being a witness. At this point you still might not read "apostate" material. This may be your last stronghold 

    Phase 3: Sampling TTATT. The frustration that builds between you're thinking rationally and you seeing that outside the org is not what they make it appear, will now make you give up your last stronghold and begin seeing what the apostates have to say, these people that you've been indoctrinated to believe spread only slander and lies. And being one is the worst possible thing you could be. But you go look. Maybe watch a few youtube vids, look at some exjw ig posts. You dabble, and try to pull back and process but you find this is now starting to feel like an addiction, you've looked down the rabbit hole, now you want to go in. 

    Phase 4: Immersing yourself in TTATT. Now you begin to feel how bad you were lied to, and the sand castle of "the truth" begins to wash away. How many of your life decision were made based on indoctrination from this organization? How many people did you hurt? Did you see hurt? Time wasted? Then you realize you want the f&%k out... but wait... you can't leave. (hotel California right?) You are stuck, you are embarrassed to be a part of this, and angry and you can't do a damn thing.

    Phase 5: Detox. This is a critical point when things can explode. You may get confrontational with your spouse, you may suffer the attention you get as you stop commenting, stop going out in field service, or as you do these things you feel like a complete hypocrite. then this happens:

    • Anger, then
    • Anxiety, then 
    • Acceptance

    At this critical point things could blow up, spiral out of control, you could DA yourself if thats good with you, but if like me you don't want to lose ties, you must over come the anger and anxiety. You must overcome two ways your mind has worked as a witness to get though the anger and anxiety and make a reasonable decision when you get to acceptance. 1. you must get over you're all or nothing mentality. This is how you used to think, you're in "the truth" or you're out. Stop thinking that way. Take yourself out mentally before removing or not removing yourself physically. 2. As TTATTelder said so eloquently "time is on your side". Why did we rush in to get baptized? My mom made me feel (20 years ago) if i didn't Armageddon was coming tomorrow and I was old enough now that jehovah would kill me for not choosing to be baptized. So I made a life altering decision at just 15! Because time was against me. You must realize there is no point rushing out, this will quell the anxiety you have living a lie. Get comfortable with the idea of thinking for yourself, and learning all you can about real truth. Get used to not being blinded by belief. 

    The best way to get acceptance which poises you to move on in which ever way you choose, is to find someone else just like you. You need to speak out loud about TTATT and the more you do and lightening doesn't strike you, you will come to peace with all this. Detox is almost done, for me, two of my friends were the first people i felt safe to vent to. Both faders, one for a long time, but still never learned TTATT, and the other just starting. That gave me peace. You can get something similar here, talking to people like you. You will accept. You've freed your mind. But you will always carry this burden of being in it with you. But you can help others, and continued to learn and reinforce your choice to be free. 

    Some may have varied experiences, but I think think in general the faders that have gotten to our point have gone through some phases. 


  • southwest

    Thanks for sharing this, I can relate to many of the points you raise, although the order maybe a little differently.

    I really do wonder, just how many 'active' JWs are mentally out?

  • freemindfade

    More and more everyday. Yea this was really just my experience and some things I've noticed from others. It would be interesting to collect all the information on the steps and emotions individuals took until they were in a healthy place mentally. To see if there are any patterns to those who try to break out. 

  • cappytan

    Honestly, it feels to me like the stages of grief. 

    1. Denial and Isolation - it's hard to believe it's true that you were deceived all those years. You withdraw into yourself.

    2. Anger - you get pissed because of being so stupid and because others are being deceived. You want to shout it from the rooftops. 

    3. Bargaining - you try to see if you can keep living the lie to keep family and friends. Maybe you think you can still be a witness and just ignore what you don't agree with.

    4. Depression - you start hating yourself because you're living a lie. Perhaps you're teaching things you don't believe. You feel like a hypocrite and get a really low self esteem. You don't know if you can go on living this way.

    5. Acceptance- you finally accept the fact that this religion is based on lies and accept that you can move on and it doesn't control your life anymore.

    Now I haven't  been through all these stages, but it certainly feels like I'm experiencing some of them.

  • freemindfade
    Also very valid. And grief a is a good way to describe it. I remember feeling so stupid for all the years I just Followed. When I would have doubts and talk myself out of it. 
  • TTATTelder

    I have experienced what you explain in the OP pretty much exactly as described.

    I would say the #5 Detox phase is when the stages of grief kick in..


  • MissFit

    Well put. The all or nothing attitude is something I am still working on. It is freeing to know you have plenty of time.

    I hope youwill be able to plan a successful fade.


  • helpmeout
    I totally agree with the stages of exiting described by FREEMINDFADE and I also very much appreciated comments made by TTATTElder in this post and others.  I am 51.  I was born in and baptized at 16.  I did all the JW things, regular pioneered, ms by the age of 19, elder by 26.  I was an elder until the age of 44.  I am mentally out but still active for my wife and mother.  My daughter is 15 but she has not been indoctrinated.  My biggest challenge is walking the line when it comes to my daughter.  I cannot outwardly tell her TTATT but we often share knowing glances.  My wife knows I do not believe and she does not give me a hard time.  I have to be very careful because any comment or question that is not 100% pro JW is looked upon as negative or cynical.  I appreciate and agree with the advice about not rushing things.  We do not have to throw it all away.  Family and relationships are important.  We do not have to play the game by their rules.  Thank you for your comments and advice. 
  • freemindfade

    TTATTelder You are right, the phase part is really probably only in that detox part, the rest could go in any order or skip parts for some, but once you realized "this is a cult" and "they've got me because of my loved ones" thats where really the phases to come to terms happen. 


    You are 100% correct, play by your rules. When you get there all the tools they have to manipulate you fail, their mystery and power and control just wash away. I was ratted out for my bible doubts by my spouse. a while ago. Our family worship would turn into me questioning every bible verse and its logic as a whole. She took it as a personal attack on her. I was told my thoughts if I was honest were in confidence. Well she told the CO. so here comes the CO and a close elder to "encourage" (interrogate) me. I was so upset and betrayed sitting there looking at her crying after she said in order for me to be honesty it was between us. There was a time this would have worried the $#&@ out of me. 

    Now... I could care less. I don't need to get into bible debates with them, tell them all the bad things about the org, just tell them I am happy were I am at. And you know what. For the most part I am left alone. 

    Our indoctrinated subconscious somehow tells us that if do this or that we are going to have fire rain down from heaven on us, or the ground is going to open and swallow us up. Everytime you make progress extracting your mind from this and that doesn't happen, you get more and more peace. 

  • flipper

    FREEMINDFADE- Very good list that you compiled there. Very good suggestions. For sure as you say there are a lot of different ways to fade or escape from the JW mind control cult. One thing I might add ( and this probably falls under your " listening to your own rational mind " section ) is that after exiting the JW's we really help ourselves if we LOSE all the GUILT and FEAR that was indoctrinated into us. It's not easy to do that- but it CAN be done. We have to forgive ourselves first for having been duped by the WT Society in the first place- it could have happened to ANY of us. WE were promised things that were not true- lies in fact about " living forever ". It appealed to our sense of what we felt was SURVIVAL.

     So once we get THAT out of our heads that the most important time in our life is the HERE and NOW and get away from pipedreams and fantasy about the future - then LIFE BEGINS AGAIN. We begin enjoying current activities, hobbies, interests that we never had time for as JW's and a whole new world of freedom opens up to us where we can REALLY enjoy our authentic self- not the cult self. Enjoy the person we SHOULD have been if the WT Society had never interrupted the process. This is how I roll now after being out 11 years. I've found that it really helps me in my enjoyment of life. My 2 cents

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