How Many People are Living a Lie?

by awokenjw 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • awokenjw

    Watching people like that "work" amazes me because they almost have to have 2 different brains that function independently but they have the ability to turn each one on and off. Forums like these give me an outlet and I wonder what their outlets are.

  • someDUDEinAsmallCubicalSomewhereOverTheRAINBOX

    At the peak of my JW "career", I was a well respected MS + pioneer. My years of pioneering total around 15+, and I was an MS for roughly the same. I was giving public talks and whatever else was requested.

    I was also seeing escorts (sometimes on the same day as my public talk) 2-3 times a month, watching extremely sadistic movies (well beyond horror - more masochistic + torture + depicted life-like mass murders + cannibals + ect ...messed up stuff) daily, extreme porn, soft porn, LBGT porn, sadistic porn, violent porn, filthy emails to girls/guys, sexting, extreme sex acts (aka anal sex, TS sex, bondage, many fetishes, ect), whatever the hell I felt like doing really. And I was/am good at hiding it.

    Sometimes, before giving talks, I had to see a escort just to clear my mind. At 6PM night of. wore my suit and everything.....I did shower afterwards though...

    I have, of course, faded. And I still do the above. But if you saw me on the street you'd think I'm the nicest person and just a regular guy. Clean cut, in good shape, healthy. I actually still look the same...just sometimes grow a beard.

    But in truth I'm complete sick f***. And I have accepted it.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    its ok awoken jw--if your pioneer friend does fess up---just deny it. 2 witness rule remember ?

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath


    very reassuring to see the holy spirit working.

  • awokenjw

    This is true Stan. However, I always contemplate whether her confession will finally be way to get out

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    awokenjw. i hear you bro--been there--done that--got the T shirt.. can i assume youre not entirely single ?

  • ttdtt

    Here is the UNBEARABLE Video if you want to watch.

  • Vidiot

    All of 'em. :smirk:

  • awokenjw

    Stan, you're right. I am not. I have since gotten involved with another sister but we have not done anything. She has no idea whats happened previously and having someone else involved makes it even more disturbing

  • awokenjw
    Interesting video post. I am originally from Ghana and can actually understand the language in the video

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