Lack of zeal

by road to nowhere 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I hear rumbling about the rank and file not having the same zeal they had when new.

    Lets see: door to door at the time least likely to find someone. Waste of a whole morning. isolated. service groups. No coherent message. Getting old frail, and poor. Being Pushed to do more. Realization that 100 years didnt really bring progress.

    There is surely more

  • sir82

    45 years (dare I say it? a whole generation) have passed since 1975.

    Armageddon does not appear any closer to anyone not immersed in Kingdom Hall culture 24/7.

    Boring meetings presented by untrained speakers who have nothing interesting or educational to say.

    Who could possibly have "zeal"?

  • JeffT

    It's hard to be zealous over the religious equivalent of digging holes and filling them up again.

  • fulltimestudent

    Let's face it, 'zeal' is defined as, "great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective." In my 40 year experience (starting from 1953) more than half of every congregation I associated with could not be described as having 'zeal.'

    Who could have zeal for the most brain-numbing activity (i.e.H2H work) that anyone could invent to waste your bloody time.Those who engaged in that work likely forced themselves to get out of bed on the days they went out in service.

    Maybe only about 10% of any congregation could be called zealous. Clearly even old YHWH himself has gone to sleep out of sheer boredom (and, that's why he's forgotten about the Big A.)

  • Vanderhoven7

    Pardon the pun, but how can their be real zeal when you are on a 105 year road to nowhere.

  • Spiral

    And poverty (and lack of retirement funds) certainly doesn't create a zealous feeling.

  • ToesUp

    We can see it in our very own family. No retirement, no savings, some family members never married or had children. Health problems and financial problems. Lack of education left them in low paying jobs that they are still working well into their 60's and 70's. They are tired. They won't admit it but they have been duped. We know it and we have said it but they won't admit it. There is one problem....we can see it all over their faces.

  • slimboyfat
    Lack of zeal? I’d say late 1990s and 2000s were lack of zeal. 2019 is more like comatose or on life support.
  • millie210

    I would add the change in music. Some of the old songs had the ability to stir the spirit in people so to speak.

    The new songs seem to have disoriented the flock for the most part.

  • jookbeard

    I watched my zeal waver and dwindle away into inactivity and atheism,I was very aware of it, it was a self monitoring process, but secretly quite enjoyable, and to think I was praised for my zeal,enthusiasm and public speaking LOL

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