"2020 - The Lost Year"

by The Fall Guy 2 Replies latest social current

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    Although the effects of Covid 19 are only just beginning to bite in most countries, I reckon that countless millions of people worldwide will remember 2020 as the year in which they lost something - whether it be a loved one, their business, their job, their home - the list will be very long.

    The draconian measures in the UK alone mean that various rights and freedoms have already been lost by a nation, albeit temporarily.

  • eyeuse2badub

    I'm 73 and I've already lived through several "lost years" and yet here I am! We don't need a ton of shit in our lives to be happy and satisfied. Friends and family works for me. But I know those who subscribe to the motto; "He who dies with the most toys---wins!"

    just saying!

  • Simon

    March is already the longest decade on record.

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