Are Jehovah Witnesses still trying to bring the good news to others during the pandemic?

by Maria Nieves 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Maria Nieves
    Maria Nieves
    HappyDad, when quarantine began, I received one of those letters as well with a track. I wonder if this is how they are now counting their hours. I also wonder if my previous bible study teacher reaching out to me was her way to get in hours.
  • Maria Nieves
    Maria Nieves

    It is quite possible that some Jehovah Witnesses do not want others to achieve the level of success that they have achieved. For me, obtaining a higher education has been one of my greatest accomplishments in life and it has provided me with financial security. I believe that it is wrong for someone to criticize me for seeking higher education and for that person to also try to make me feel guilt. Just like you, LongHairGal, I despise those Jehovah Witnesses who worked hard to secure a future for themselves but them prevent others from securing a future for themselves.

    Its been a year since I was a study. I no longer study. During my final days of studying, I was also treated horribly by my Bible Study Conductor. It was a situation where I just had to accept the information that she presented to me as facts. There was an unwritten rule of me not being able to ask her any questions. When I would ask her questions, such as why seeking higher education was discouraged, she would become upset and would quickly correct me as if I were a child. I literally did not have a voice.

    I felt pressured into pursuing baptism but I didn't. I didn't see the purpose in being baptized because at that point I no longer believed the truth to be the truth. I also felt that if I did get baptized, it was only a matter of time before I was disfellowshipped. I guess that I have an idea as to why she was pressuring me into baptism. I think that it was just for show so that she could say that her teaching resulted in baptism.

  • phoenixrising

    Its not good news.

  • smiddy3

    M.N. When a Jw calls you on the phone ,sends you a letter or even an e-mail ,they most definitely are counting the time they spend and report it for congregation records and there own brownie points.

    Even if most of the conversation isn`t about religion.

    M.N. & L.H.G. The JW`s have double standards about higher education and their being critical of it .

    I don`t think it was that long ago they were appealing for brothers in the Congs.whether they had experience in accounting or legal matters ,and of course they have a shit load of brothers and sisters around the world in the legal profession and of course in accounting .?

    They didn`t get these qualifications out of the local bookshop " Lawyers For Dummies" or "Accounting For dummies" now did they.

    Vin Toole is a lawyer for WT here in Australia and appeared b4 the Aust.Royal Commission into Institutions Of Child Sexual abuse and in typical lawyer fashion when asked about { theocratic warfare or shunning } ( memory fades me a bit here ) anyway whatever it was he said and I quote "I have heard of the expression but I don`t know what it means. ...and that`s just an outright lie in my opinion. And while on the subject of the A.R.C.into child sexual abuse ,the Aust.G.B.member Geoffrey Jackson when asked if he thought the JW religion was the only religion God was using replied and I quote " that would be presumptuous for me to say that " another liar.because they teach all other religions are tools of satan to mislead everybody.

    I have more story`s about higher education / JW`s if either you want to pm me about them.

    You dodged the bullet in canceling your study with them .

    Take care

  • LongHairGal


    Amen..The Witness religion cannot be forgiven for its hypocrisy. I’m glad I’m not around them anymore.

    People in congregations who treated me like Typhoid Mary or the Scarlet Letter because I worked full time wouldn’t so much as get a dime from me..Nobody better dare come calling asking for charity for needy JWs...I told an old JW acquaintance of my experience and she didn’t care to understand..But, I made it clear I’d never give anything to these people after how I was treated!..If I caved in to peer pressure years ago, I wouldn’t be Retired!

    These deluded phoneys better not look in my direction!..I have a long memory and can be as callous as nails and it won’t matter if there’s a worldwide pandemic or whatever.

  • tiki

    I always found the letter writing thing quite scary given the profound lack of proper grammar, spelling and written communication skills most jws possess.

  • LV101

    They must really be desperate during COVID as they're digging up names/contacts. Someone on board mentioned a governing goon advising them to contact ex-JWs (and anyone else they can hound) and beg them to return to Jehovah but this is probably normal. I knew a couple of female JWs married to doctors who thought higher education was the devil but certainly enjoyed their lifestyle/status never having to be concerned about employment. Such hypocrites. Of course, they were JWs before marriage and only one out of 5 married to professionals finished high school. Only one of the 5 could afford Gucci/Louboutins on a limited basis -- designer wardrobe - few are at the top of the food chain. The others may have owned one luxury item. Most professionals wives have been employed for decades for extras.

    I would tell the JW that you appreciate the Mormans' value and respect for higher education (like the Jewish faith - not that higher education is necessary for everyone) and block her number.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Field Circus hours are bound to drop significantly during the COVID shutdown as JW's will be unable to count the hours at their lengthy breaks at McDonald's or Starbucks.

    Of course, they can have their Zoom meetings from home and sit and chat/gossip with one another while one of them makes phone calls on old RV's and inactive family members so that they can all count their "time".

    There will be no more or less accomplished than in the past since the JW Field Circus is a joke and serves only to make JW's "feel good" about earning their salvation.

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