Hypocritical elders

by JimmyYoung 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JimmyYoung

    I used to work with an elder every day for several years. One thing that helped me out of the cult was his hypocrisy. Our work was in construction and it would often run us late for meetings. I started to notice a pattern that he would have me run him home instead of dropping him off at his truck then wait for him to get dressed and drop him off at the meeting even though he knew it would mean I could not make it home to change and make it myself. This was not a one of it was the rule. He also would have his wife pick him up so he could make to meetings and leave me to finish when we could not leave the job because of leaving the customer in a bad situation, such as appliances out on the lawn ect. He never ever said I am sorry you did not make it or we need to fix this so you can make it also.

    I also remember when we were doing a job and my grandmother was dying in hospital. My mother and GF were there and I wanted to go spend some time with them. He said lets just finish because I want to go too. LOL. This was not a one of elder BS I have seen it across the board. I think that to be and elder you have to be a narcissistic ass.

  • Biahi

    Agree, elders are often, not always, asshats. I remember an elder that didn’t like me, we were out in service in the winter, it was very cold. He took the group out for a coffee break AND LEFT ME IN THE TERRITORY BY MYSELF. I was 12 years old, didn’t know where they went, had no idea if they were coming back, nothing. They came back and this asshole elder apologized to me in front of the group, a fake, sugary sweet apology that I knew was not sincere. The looks on the faces of the rest of the group told me that they knew he left me on purpose. I went home so chilled I developed a bad cold. Asshole!!

  • sir82

    "Hypocritical elder"?

    Isn't that like saying "wet water" or "alcoholic whiskey"?

  • LongHairGal


    If that had happened to me, they never would have seen me out in service again. I would have been out of the Witness religion ten years sooner!

    You don’t mention anything about telling your parents of this incident...You were a 12 year old kid (don’t know if you’re male or female)...Anybody else’s parent would have told this sonofabitch off.. I hope something just as mean happened to him and the rest of those f#cks if they knew what was happening.

  • punkofnice
    Jimmy - I think that to be and elder you have to be a narcissistic ass.

    Er...I was an elder........

  • Biahi

    LHG I’m female, my parents knew and did nothing because elders are always right.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Leaving a young near woman ak8ne is even worse

  • Diogenesister

    Hey Bahi I call a 12 year old a little girl. That’s despicable. Anything could have happened to you. Believe me older girls than that have been kidnapped by strangers and terrible things happened. They are not fit to be around children some witnesses👿

  • Acluetofindtheuser

    It's only about keeping up appearances. The love that they proclaim is just veneer deep. They'll get what's coming to them in the end.

  • lancelink

    In my old hall there was an elder ( refrow, renfroe ?) who watched the young guys and lived for the chance to criticize someone for breaking one of the wt rules. My sons would at times talk to young teenage sisters and like a hawk he would appear and nip any conversations in the bud. Several years later, an ex-jw lady we know told us about how Jeff R. called her teenaged daughter several times a week asking her to meet him at a local restaurant to talk. Just her and him, nobody else. Since he was an elder, nobody questioned his motives. Last I heard, this "shining example" of wt leadership is now the presiding overseer.

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