Delta Variant task force

by DATA-DOG 12 Replies latest social current


    Are you ready for the Delta Variant task force, funded by Bill Gates to come to your home? After mass censorship and in some cases arrests ( Australia ) for speaking out against lockdowns, or the dangers of untested medical procedures, we now have morons who want to send people to your home, to remove infected family members...

    How will you know you’re infected?? A PCR test cranked up to detect anything of course!

    Why haven’t more American citizens suffered the abuses taking place in Europe, Australia, India, or Canada? Because we have guns.

    Why are the Democrats so rabid in their desire to spark race-wars and protests, and to ban guns? That’s an easy one. So they can take over with zero or minimal resistance.

    Just wait till Kamala Harris takes over...


  • Rocketman123

    Watch out DD those comie democrats are coming to get you.

    You just might not return !

    Never mind JWS coming to your door.


    I don’t work for the WHO. I’m not the one saying these things, saying they are great idea. I’m not trying to pass insane legislation, ect.

    I’m not really sure what your point is.


  • pistolpete

    Why haven’t more American citizens suffered the abuses taking place in Europe, Australia, India, or Canada?

    Because if the Delta Variant task force, funded by Bill Gates comes to our home in the USA

    We will say;


    They may take us out- but not until we take out 100 of them.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo


    Pretty sure no-one got arrested in Australia for speaking out against lock downs.

    There have definitely been arrests because of not following lock down orders. These arrests were because of mass gatherings of people that flouted health directives during times of covid spikes.

    It had nothing to do with how many guns anyone owned.

    Some Aussies believed covid isn't a big deal-no one has a right to tell them they have to wear masks- scientific researchers are all idiots-it's all Bill Gates fault, blah blah blah.

  • fulltimestudent

    Quote: "Why haven’t more American citizens suffered the abuses taking place in Europe, Australia, India, or Canada? Because we have guns."

    Sorry, cant help doing this -


    I guess all those cell-phone videos of abusive police in Australia, and Canada, and the UK that never made the news were faked, and no one had police bust down their doors just for speaking out against the lockdowns and corruption, and no Moms were tasered/arrested a sporting events for not having masks while social distancing, others weren’t really arrested by power mad guards at arenas for pulling their masks down to eat....

    All faked I suppose, just like the National Guard going house to house and forcibly taking legally owned firearms from citizens in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina? Bonus points if you know ran that operation and where they are now.

    Keep laughing...


  • Rocketman123

    are you ready for the delta variant task force, funded by bill gates to come to your home?

    Dude your off your rocker , seek psychiatric help .

  • Samuele

    @DATA-DOG totally agree with what you posted, am living in Australia.

    This scamdemic is manufactured, yes of course there is a 99.7% survival rate with what they call sars-cov19 (it should be named sars-cov2) so the actual virus is real, everything else is simply manipulation.

    Sars-cov1 "vaccine" development caused all lab animals to die apon exposure to virus post "vaccine" injection, the following clinical paper highlights the ADE mechanistic concern.

    To bad they skipped animal trials with what everyone is getting injected with now days, probably not a great idea to become a lab rat??

    This probably highlights the deficiency of man's rule over man, but even more so, Satan's influence over the world's ruling governments.

  • FFGhost

    Posting from western Europe here.

    Why haven’t more American citizens suffered the abuses taking place in Europe, Australia, India, or Canada?

    Remind me what abuses I've suffered?

    Sometimes I'm watching TV and I don't notice what I should. If I'm being abused I'd like it to stop.

    I haven't seen any of my neighbors being abused either. Maybe I should go door to door to let them know how horribly they are being treated?

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