Hospitality - How not to.....March 2018 study article.

by punkofnice 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    "Note, however, that Peter urged his Christian brothers and sisters to be hospitable 'to one another,' to those whom they already knew and associated with."

    Really! Let's take a look at Matthew 5:47, then, shall we?

    "If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that." - New Living Translation.

    Watchtower's rendering of the words "one another" is nothing but a self-serving mutilation of the original text. Furthermore, they are in no position to bemoan that the rest of the world is uncooperative with Witnesses when it is they themselves who are against helping those outside their minority group.

    Watchtower members, take a look at the stimuli you're putting out there in the world: segregation, selfishness, hostility and entitlement. What you put in, you get out.

  • asp59

    Well JWs are usually not hospitality to other JWs or people outside congregation. So they have to start from scratch when talking about hospitality. That's why they focus on being hospitality to other JWs first. In the future there will be reminders to people outside congregation. But JWs will go to KH listen. Go outside the door and forget everything they heard. As usual.

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    I remember when I was younger and going house to house with my father, he would say to the householder, "Imagine if everyone in the world abided by just the one verse, the 'Golden Rule', how different things would be. 'Do unto others...'" and he'd let them finish the well-known Christian quote.

    I guess my old man misunderstood the term "others" and misapplied it to include everyone outside of the Watchtower. Or maybe Jesus got it wrong and needed some New Light.

    New rule! Treat others (the world) with INhospitableness, the way you don't like to be treated.

  • MrRoboto

    On the context that they gave, being written to a congregation with different cultures, essentially, at least several different xenos, the scripture would obviously have meant to be a xeno-phile, and not a xeno-phobe. Even the picture in the article was a great example of that idea but it was all lost in the gram ability of the bORG to twist things for their own (ab)uses.

    I think it's worth noting here that during the release of the 2013 grey bible, one of the GB ( I think it was tight pants) hooked about twisting the scriptures... That was in reference to literally twisting the bible book to loosen the pages, but still, no shame.

  • stuckinarut2

    So what did the parable of the Good Samaritan show?

    That loving hospitality was shown NOT by members of the SAME religion, but actually by an APOSTATE person - someone who was not of the same beliefs...

    So why is it that the GB have tried to redefine that message nowadays?


  • punkofnice

    These are all great replies. I do not believe in god or that the bible is god's word....but the jobos should do!

    Joho - Let's take a look at Matthew 5:47, then, shall we?

    Oh, yes!

    I heard from a Jobo that this paragraph seemed odd.

    May many more wake up and leave the corporate scam cult.

    Stucky - So why is it that the GB have tried to redefine that message nowadays?

    Because they are greedy scum.

  • Bobcat

    Did anyone catch the great irony in the opening artwork for the article? It was depicting a Greek or Roman Christian family welcoming a Jewish family into their home.

    The irony is that, in the USA at least, many JWs would have few dealings with a brother who had the temerity to sport a beard.

  • punkofnice

    Bobster - I admit I didn't see the crappy old drawing.

  • MrRoboto

    stuckinarut2 - the good samaritan showed exactly what you said but I would like to add just a bit to it.

    The whole parable was in reply to a question: who is my neighbor?

    immediately after the parable, Jesus asked "“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man..?" (the answer: “The one who had mercy on him.”)

    So the lesson is that the neighbor is the one who makes himself a neighbor by showing mercy (although they mentioned mercy in the verses, obviously there is compassion, brotherly love etc too)

    So keep that in mind when someone refers to the old "love your neighbor" line, it's basically the same as "love the one who shows you mercy"

    To be fair, Jesus told the questioner to “go and do likewise" about showing mercy, essentially making yourself "neighbor" to others (then they will love you..?)

  • punkofnice

    Mr roboto - Mercy. This is something the watchtower corporation pretends to value to the outside world. When you are a Jobo, there is little mercy and a whole lot of hatin' going on.

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