Will the Republicans finally file criminal charges. What else do they need?

by pistolpete 14 Replies latest social current

  • pistolpete

    The Director of Nation Intelligence reveals startling new details about the Russian Collusion Hoax against President Donald Trump. As One America’s Pearson Sharp explains,

    senior Obama officials were working hard to cover up--Hillary Clinton’s email scandal and undermine the 2016 election.

    On Sept. 29, the day of the presidential debate between Mr. Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden, Mr. Ratcliffe disclosed to the Senate Judiciary Committee that Russian intelligence analysis obtained by U.S. spy agencies claimed that 2016 Democratic nominee --

    Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan that year to tie then-candidate Mr. Trump to Moscow’s hacking of Democratic emails



  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad
    ...What else do they need?


  • Simon

    Y'know, if you look back at politics over the last half century, it used to be fairly civil and it used to have basic standards of behavior.

    The dirty tricks of Nixon were shocking, but really pale into insignificance next to what the Obama administration has done, turning government agencies into their political weapon is real banana-republic stuff.

    I think a lot of where we are can be traced back to the Clintons. They really changed the game and made it nasty on a whole different level than it's ever been before.

    People need to be prosecuted if the US is to recover from where it's been led by these people.

  • minimus

    Yeah, the Clintons.....don’t mess with them or they might find you with a self inflicted suicide bullet in the BACK of your head.

  • Simon

    The Clintons have been an absolute cancer to American Politics, they really need to be cut out instead of their behavior spreading.

  • minimus

    Maybe they will get some payback. I think Trump has kept his Trump card for this time.

  • Vanderhoven7

    I believe Hilary is in for prison time.

  • pistolpete

    I believe Hilary is in for prison time.

    If that was to happen, then the entire Country would starting turning around again to what is normal.

    Because following Hillary's arrest, the DOJ would then go down the line and start arresting those whose aim is to cause destruction to the Country. Next would be the squad Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley,Ilhan Omar, then all the rioters who have caused so much destruction and havoc, then all the Governors, and Attorney generals who are breaking the law, then all the Celebrities who are inciting rebellion, then the main stream media that is bent on causing panic in the entire country.

    It's not gonna happen. The Republicans have always been weak when it comes to enforcing the Law.

  • DesirousOfChange

    It's not gonna happen. The Republicans have always been weak when it comes to enforcing the Law.

    I think the Republicans fear that they'll be the next ones caught at something and they don't want to set a precedent of sending politicians to prison.

  • johnamos


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