"New Light" on the generation doctrine may have been too early yet?

by reporter 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I thought they already had "new light" on the 1914 generation. I understand they said that a generation just applied to people living in a certain time period within recent memory of those events of 1914. So in otherworlds it could apply to most people that were born in the 20 century. That would push the envelope for the end of this system to the middle or end of this century. Maybe someone else can clarify this point.


  • rocketman
    Thus, all the features of the last days must take

    "must"....guess it wasn't a "must" after all.

  • Noumenon

    That's great Garybus. You should start a whole new thread on that.

    I was once the Real Witness type (pioneered and all), although born into it. Then I turned into a Social Witness. Finally I became a Reinstated borg model. Eventually the burns proved too severe and my motor conked out.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim


    I have gone way beyond your listing. Don't know what to call someone like myself.

    Ok, be nice.......

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Mr. Kim. Might I suggest - "The Don't Mess With Me Witness".

    cheeses - fringe dweller.

  • berylblue



  • Hamas
    Brown sugar how come you taste so good, now?
    Brown sugar just like a young girl should, now - yeah!
  • reporter

    Then, when I got on line several years later and saw that the whole generation thing was dropped, I almost fainted dead away. I couldn’t believe no one in my family mentioned this earth-shaking news!

    And when I asked them about it they acted like it was no big deal at all.

    I guess it's just "brighter light" and keeping up with the Ezekiel "wagon wheel" with eyes that can supposedly represent change in "Jehovah's direction" on a dime! Once the denial blinders are on, only earth-shattering events of a PERSONAL or close-to-personal nature can then open the eyes of a JW.

    To Garybuss: Thank you ! Outstanding post. That analysis is spot on!

  • mizpah


    My friends and I (XJWs) used to kid about this very thing before the change. We said that Society would cite the case of a 120 year old woman in Paducah and claim: "See, that generation is still alive."

    But, alas, the Watchtower backed down on its explanation rather than try to hold an untenable position.

  • reporter

    Or, maybe they're trying to play all sides of the table? Ask waiting!

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