JWs and Persecution - Am I Missing Something?

by Stephanus 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    From p19 of the June 15, 2003 'Tower:


    Not sure about what they're saying here - it's not like this "opposition" (presumably the unamused expression on the householder's face) can't be placed at these ladies' own feet - after all, they are the ones who are ganging up, two to one, on a householder's own doorstep at a time obviously inconvenient to her to give her a message she's obviously not receptive to. Are the Dubs really getting THAT sensitive in their old age??

  • shamus

    I know exacly what you mean!!!!

    They all have what is called a "Persecution complex" that makes them feel superior to the world, because everyone hates them. It makes their strange and obsessive work feel validated in their minds.

    Tragic / simple / and true. That person is no more persecuting them than my next-door neighbour asking me to turn my music down!

    Jeez, they are really sick people, aren't they?

  • shamus


    I thought that this topic would get more replies than it already has.....

  • RunningMan

    I think someone should buy the society a dictionary.

    When you make an ass of yourself and people get ticked off at you for it, that's not persecution. It's just normal cause and effect.

  • MrsQ
    When you make an ass of yourself and people get ticked off at you for it, that's not persecution. It's just normal cause and effect


    Well said!


  • Stephanus

    They also need assistance on the word "help" - they deny the effectiveness of charitable works while flogging to death an early twentieth century model of door-to-door preaching.

  • Robdar

    They all have what is called a "Persecution complex" that makes them feel superior to the world, because everyone hates them. It makes their strange and obsessive work feel validated in their minds.

    Amen to that Brother Shamus.

    LOL at Runningman


  • Stephanus

    Anyway, in response to the photo, I ask "What opposition?" The woman glaring at them has allowed them to stay there long enough to whip out some literature to start belting her over the head with! Some people are never satisfied...

    They all have what is called a "Persecution complex" that makes them feel superior to the world, because everyone hates them.

    People wouldn't hate (or even notice) them as much were it not for the outdated door to door method they use.

  • blondie

    That picture is definitely staged. The 2 sisters both have their Bibles out and open. One CO taught us to hand the magazines to the householder right away to hold and to leave our Bible in our bags because it put people off. We can guess he wanted to place magazines not discuss Bible scriptures.

    As to persecution, JWs are taught that they must be persecuted if they are truly Christians. When they are persecuted, it validates their spiritual standing.

    5/1/01 WT

    p. 15
    Our ability to withstand opposition is proof that Jehovah’s spirit is upon us.


    Thessalonians 1:4-5


    As a result we ourselves take pride in YOU among the congregations of God because of YOUR endurance and faith in all YOUR persecutions and the tribulations that YOU are bearing. 5 This is a proof of the righteous judgment of God, leading to YOUR being counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which YOU are indeed suffering.


    Timothy 3:12


    In fact, all those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted.




    "Happy are YOU when people reproach YOU and persecute YOU and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against YOU for my sake. 12 Rejoice and leap for joy, since YOUR reward is great in the heavens; for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to YOU.


  • jgnat

    Oh. I thought that was a picture of Ravyn, right after she threatened the Pioneer with bodily harm. Any new captions, anybody?

    "So, as you can plainly see, the pagan symbol around your neck condemns you for all eternity."

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