Cart "Witnessing"

by Funchback 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwundubbed
    Besides being a waste of time for those doing it, AND being an easy way for the Society to inflate its reports of time spent in the ministry, cart witnessing is also taking up space. I live in a hot city in Brazil. Today, the JWs decided to set up their cart in the shady spot of the bus stop, where people going to work have to wait for the bus.

    You could call the transit company and complain. They are taking up valuable space. My sister and I called to complain where we are and we never see them anymore.

    I have to ride past a cart on my bike every wednesday and the same old vinegar tits sister that persecuted me at the hall sits there pretending she doesn't see me. I thought of taking a longer alternative route, but then thought screw em I 'm not going to let them dictate my day.

    You should wave and smile and let her know how happy you are. Let her day be ruined because you aren't a miserable being in the world.

  • Diogenesister
    Funchback ( JW Org quote)Seeing these masses of people and thinking about how Jehovah truly cares for each person has strengthened our resolve to continue putting the preaching work at the center of our lives. We imagine Jehovah scanning the hearts of all those who pass by the table, searching for those who are worthy.

    .....And going to each one " Nah....another one to nuke at Armageddon"

    So caring........

  • baker

    It has been reported that publishers from neighboring congregations sometimes engage in public witnessing on the same street, in the same parking lot, and in front of the same businesses or transportation hubs. Publishers from different congregations have left magazines in the same lobby, waiting room, or laundromat and have preached to the same businesses. This has caused businesspeople and neighborhood residents to feel overwhelmed on occasion, even when publishers are not preaching at the same time. Therefore, it is generally best to stay within the congregation’s assigned territory when witnessing publicly.

    If publishers wish to witness publicly in a neighboring congregation’s territory, they should talk to their service overseer. He can then contact the service overseer of the other congregation to obtain permission before those in his congregation proceed. Where different-language congregations are assigned to preach in the same area, the service overseers should communicate with each other so as to avoid irritating people in the neighborhood unnecessarily. By means of good cooperation, all things can take place “decently and by arrangement.”—1 Cor. 14:40.

    If I was the one putting forth any effort at all, after reading this cut from the top, I would quit completely...

  • JWdaughter

    "Irritating people in the neighborhood unnecessarily"? Because their regular irritation factor is more necessary? Huh?

  • JWdaughter

    Funchback quoted the WT literature,

    "Sharing in this initiative has been very rewarding. One couple wrote: “Standing at the table and seeing thousands of people go by each day has impressed upon our hearts the vast work that is being done to reach people all around the world. Seeing these masses of people and thinking about how Jehovah truly cares for each person has strengthened our resolve to continue putting the preaching work at the center of our lives. We imagine Jehovah scanning the hearts of all those who pass by the table, searching for those who are worthy. We have rarely felt so close to our angelic coworkers.”

    Its funny how joyful they feel by watching all the thousands of people WALKING BY THEM each day. Not stopping by, not initiating a discussion, not taking a magazine. WALKING BY THEM. Jehovah scanning the hearts of those who walk by the table? Cause God needs their stupid table? Jesus Lord, That comment is insane. I bet the angels are happy not to have to work so much to protect them from the rabid dogs they encounter in the yards that say "dangerous dog, do not trespass" while they are trespassing.

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