similarities Jws v simpson characters

by natred 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • natred

    the writers of the simpsons Must have had Jw contacts.
    Think of Ned Flanders and his family, totally JW!!
    Think ofMr Burns doesnt he look just like that evil elder who would always open the theocratic ministry school?
    I am absolutely certain that Fred hall is spitting image of Mr Burns, i can picture him so clearly in his grey raincoat and gold leaf dog eared bible walking hunchedup in the rain pestering people on a sunday afternoon.....

  • ozziepost

    Say natred, what an imagination you have!

    Wot if Fred Hall is actually a woman? !!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Prisca

    Mr Burns is actually the elderly brother that was only used to give prayers, as he was unable to give talks anymore.

    Yet the prayers would go on.. and on.. and on.. and on.. and on...... rambling about the heavenly organisation, and the earthly organisation, and the annointed remnant, and the Great Crowd, and the paradise, and the .......

  • ozziepost

    Good evening Prisca,

    Are you talking about my Dad?

    Congregation prayer may be an interesting topic in itself. Do you think that the average Witness really appreciates prayer? Seems that the prayer thing in the Witnesses is distorted i.e. in the congregations, the prayers are 'programmed'. They have a set format within an allotted time. Occasionally a brother will be asked to give prayer and 10 mins later we can say Amen!

    I have found that those terrible Church people have a greater reliance on prayer. It takes on a first century pattern.


  • slipnslidemaster


    That is an interesting question and one that you should post as a new topic.

    The witnesses don't say the Lord's Prayer feeling that it is just a template and they seem to make fun of those that do say it. However, prayer in the JW kingdom hall is just as scheduled, forced, formulaic, etc. If it lasts more then a couple of minutes, you notice that the R & F start to get ancy and shuffle around. God forbid it goes more then 5 minutes!!

    Slipnslideius Masterus: ... Strength and Honor ...

  • mustang

    Here's loads of similarities:

    Homer was abducted/inducted to the "Movementarians" in the episode aired last night (repeat).

    The Cult brainwashed everybody until they joined, then put them to tending the bean fields. "The Leader" had a big "forbidden barn" where a giant spaceship was being built. This was to take all the members to the planet "Blisstonia". When Ken Brockmann(??), the news anchor, jeered and denounced the "Movementarians" as a cult, the TV station was bought and he changed spiels in mid sentence.

    Homer resists at first and is thought to have superior mental powers by the cults' MS level propaganda pushers :) Homer backslides, leaves through the lower level of security at this point and goes home. The MS types release the "secret weapon" with a cry of: "Unchain the Lawyers". The Lawyers track Homer down and drag him and family back to the compound. Apparently security is beefed up at this point.

    "The Leader" occasionally "sallies forth" from the "forbidden barn", drives through the field road and waves an arm out the window of his long, black Rolls-Royce.

    The entire neighborhood and all the usual's in Springfield gradually succumb. Monty Burns, discovers that the Cult pays no taxes and he is paying 3$. With a cry of "I'm being screwed", Burns decides to form a rival Cult, but it fails.

    Reverend Lovejoy and the Church was finally deserted (even by Ned Flanders) as everyone succumbed to the "Movementarians". Marge escapes the compound through a full military style obstacle course, and shows up at the Church to get help. She doesn't notice that Rev. Lovejoy is dousing the Church building with gasoline, muttering "I didn't think I would ever have to do this again".

    Reverend Lovejoy, Groundskeeper Willie (school Janitor) and Marge form a team to abduct and de-program Homer. They get a large sedan that looks like "The Leader's" limo and lure Homer out of the bean field. After beating Homer over the head unsuccessfully, they take him back home. Ned Flanders has escaped by now and feeds Homer a taste of beer. (Moe the Bartender is deeply entranced, back at the Cult Compound.) The beer seems to get through to Homer.

    But suddenly Cult MS types and Lawyer's show up and drag everybody back to the Cult Compound, where justice is to be meted out to Homer. Homer suddenly pops put of his trance and runs to expose the "forbidden barn" as a hoax.

    But there IS a big Spaceship inside. It starts flying away and everybody scorns Homer for blowing their big chance. Then the Spaceship falls apart and the con-artist is seen inside, with bags of loot. While it looks like he escapes, he falls onto the farm of Cletus the Hillbilly. Cletus relieves the con-artist of his ill-gotten gain with a shotgun.

    And everybody snaps out of it and walks off. Moe the Bartender is upset and has to resort to Voodoo to turn Barney Gumble back into an alcoholic and customer.

    Now, I suppose they all "live happily ever after" or at least the closest that Springfield ever comes to that!!!


  • Reborn2002

    Wow you dug up a 2 year old thread.

    Slipnslidemaster's post was May 18 2001.

    The most recent post by mustang is May 28 2003.

  • mustang

    It may be a 2 year old simpson, too

    I've found their archives, but that's quite a dig!!!


  • shamus

    I prefer when Homer stopped going to church...

    Ned and his family were hounding him... singing that crappy song ,"When god said to noah there's gonna be a floody wuddy, and your shoes are gonna get muddy wuddy.... get those animals (clap, clap), out of the arkie warkie"...

    Then it went into a high-speed chase, where they were jumping trains, yada yada yada.... it was hilarious! Homer with the animals in the back yard, birds on his shoulder.. "peace be with you my animal friends...", then he's in the shower ,"Hey! can you guys give me a minute?"

    Yeah, the simpsons. Where oh where would we be without them?

  • mustang

    I like the "Stonecutters" episode, where Homer is The Chosen One. That is is a dig at the Mason's.

    But, my real favorite is where Bart hands out flyers at the Church doorstep for the Sunday morning hymn. Reverend Lovejoy announces the hymn to be "In the Garden of Eden" by I Ron Butterfly!!! Then the organist starts out and they are doing Iron Butterflies "Inna da Gada Da Vida" (spelling guaranteed wrong)


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