jw homes for the elderly

by be wise 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    Bendrr, start a cult...lol


  • Viperinus

    None of these elderly JWs would not have any income except a state pension, no savings 'cos the Org would had that in contributions long ago, so I bet it's all paid for by the Social Security. Nice little earner indeed. You can afford to be charitable to the loyal when the government is picking up the tab.

  • Elsewhere
    Only witnesses are allowed to work there, and if anybody is reproved/da's/df's etc they have to leave....totally contravening UK employments laws regarding race and religion!!

    Does this also apply to the residents? Could you imagine??? Retired and constantly afraid that you might "slip up" and end up on the street??

  • RR

    Interesting. Of course this is something many non-Americans do, that is ... take care of the elderly. In America, the Society could care less.

    The Bible Students have run several Bible Student retirement centers in America and broad for years. Here is a sample of one in Oregon. Bible Students Retirement Center

  • VM44

    I recall reading a post somewhere here that stated there are retirement condominiums at the New Jersey Patterson educational center. Can anyone confirm this?


  • sf
  • Euphemism
    I recall reading a post somewhere here that stated there are retirement condominiums at the New Jersey Patterson educational center. Can anyone confirm this?

    I don't think that there is anything that would officially be designated such.

    However, it's true that the Society will sometimes take "special full-time servants" into Patterson when they're unable to work any longer.

  • mouthy

    When the elderly get too old they Df them.look at Jim Pentons Mother -in-law- She was DF for eating with Jim. Also Grace Knedlik- who was a special pioneer (Oversees)is sitting in a home with NO visitors because she blew the whistle on an elder who stole from her. They DF her ...Ray went to see her a year ago-( a very long way) She is the one who loaned Ray the money for C of C in spanish.If anyone lives near her- go visit her....please ..Citadel Health Care- St Joseph MO...She has to be about 80 now...

  • wednesday
    Only witnesses are allowed to work there, and if anybody is reproved/da's/df's etc they have to leave....totally contravening UK employments laws regarding race and religion!!

    say why don't we blow the whistle on these people? U guys in the UK, who could u report this to? these people should pay.

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