Why don't they preach on TV or Radio?

by JH 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    We all know that witnesses go door to door in order to give bible studies. But since their message is so important to them, why don't they use all the available methods in order to reach out to the most people possible. We live in an era of telecommunications, wireless phones, internet, and so on. They surely have the financial capacities to even start their own TV stations.

    Do you think they would have more success in attracting people to their religion if they used TV and Radio to spread the message?

    Surely more doors would open to them when they would go door to door afterwards.

  • unbeliever

    I know they were making commercials for a while. They would play them very late at night. I don't have the link but I think you can see them on jwmedia.

  • teenyuck

    They are too cheap. Having free *salespeople* going door to door can get the job done. Why bother putting out millions for TV?

  • Xena

    Because going door to door is "bible based"....and we all know they ONLY go by what the bible says

  • Rado Vleugel
    Rado Vleugel

    Hi JH,

    On my website I have an article about the use of TV by the JW's:

    Watchtower commercial "Love Builds Happy Families" on TV In the 1920's and 1930's Jehovah's Witnesses used the radio to broadcast their message. Seventy years later they are returning to this old habit by using the television.

    Rado Vleugel

  • JH

    That's true Xena. But would Jesus use a car or an ass to go door to door if he was here today.

    Thanks Rado for the link.

  • Xena

    lol that is why I put the in my post JH....they twist the scripture to suit themselves.

    I think they try and distance themselves from TV evangelizers and make themselves appear more holy by stating they only proselytize the way Jesus did.....as for asses...*cough* well nevermind

  • Yizuman

    Well I checked out the JWMedia.com website and I'm pretty sickened by seeing these videos showing a "Happy Family" and "Happy Couple" being Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.


    Here's a list of their so called Happy Videos



  • TresHappy

    How about the days of old when the colporteurs would go door-to-door, ranch-to-ranch, farm-to-farm carrying that record player (perhaps another term - phonograph?) and play Judge Rutherford's diatribes against everything. I've heard some of those, SCARY!

  • sxybrwneyes

    I agree with Teenyuck, I think they are just too cheap. Why do they need to pay for tv when they have millions of people to go door to door for free?

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