troubled [in need of answers]

by zev 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel


    : maybe eventually pay a visit to the Elders individually and let them know if they counsel her to either leave you or shun you in any way they will be sued for alienation of affection.

    YES! PERFECT! GOOD JOB! Elders are paranoid about lawsuits towards them personally and their religious masters in Brooklyn will disappear and hide if they are asked to help them. And those Elders know it. The Watchtower Corporation has no qualms about biting the hands that feed them. They will not get away with this forever, even though they are too arrogant to admit that just yet. Hide and watch. They will suffer and they will get the worldwide bad publicity they've deserved for all these decades.

    Farkel, grinning from ear-to-ear

  • Farkel

    : I said "I EXPECTED them to have the courtesy to DISCUSS this with me and since they never even said a WORD to me nor even inquired if I was perhaps SICK and needed HELP....then F*UCK THEM! They are a bunch of pompous-assed self righteous hypocrites and IM DONE WITH THEM!"

    YOU GO, GIRL!!

    Uh, next time could you quit being so wimply and beat-around-the-bush and say it like it-really-is, though?


  • BugEye


    First of all, (((((huggs))))) in a manly way of course.

    I did sow seeds of doubt in my wife over a long period of time though not intentionall, I was just subtley voicing my own concerns.

    We left together 6 weeks ago.

    Much of what you can do depends upon both your personalities and your communication skills. Put yourself in her shoes, either way she loses.

    If she chooses you then she loses the new system and virtual immortality and a feeling of knowing certainty. If she chooses the borg, then she loses you. Do not underestimate what she has to lose either way. If you care for her then appreciate her position. She WILL suffer major pain either way, as will you.

    The other difficulty you face at the moment is your own need for love and security during this time. You will probably find yourself drawn into conversing with other women because women are usually more able to communicate on the emotional level. This can lead you into a situation where you find yourself bonding with another woman rather than your wife, which will drive another stake into your marriage.

    Do not be mislead, although her decision as to what to do rests upon herself, what you choose to do and say will have a huge impact.

    My heart goes out to you as does my wifes.

    Feel free to email me if you desire.


  • esther

    zev, my heart goes out to you and your wife. Metatron's depression idea sounds good. There is one possibility that has not been mentioned. It could be that your wife won't really make you choose, but is trying to scare you into staying in the borg. As bugeye said, in her mind if she chooses you then she loses the new system and virtual immortality and a feeling of knowing certainty. She may also be feeling that your life depends on staying in the borg, so in her mind she is trying to save your life. I am not saying that I understand your wife, just that this is a possibility. Anyway, from me {{{{{hugs}}}}}. I also feel that it is better to not put in a DA letter or meet with the elders or any of that sort of rubbish.


  • teejay


    Sorry, but I'm just reading this.

    You said at one point that you are straightforward and when you DO reveal
    what's on your mind, you don't fool around. I won't either.

    For the sake of time, the short version:

    I was raised a Witness. I also come from a divorced mother and father.
    When I was a little bitty boy, those two things caused me to make myself a
    promise i vowed to keep, that once I got married, it would be for life, come
    hell or high water. Period. No matter what, I'm stayin' married.

    My first marriage lasted 13 years. It probably doesn't matter, but her father
    was a man held in high esteem, a domineering man (who doesn't speak to
    her now) who was also an elder for many years, and her mother was a regular
    pioneer, as revered by the membership as her husband. The poor girl (and
    her three sisters) didn't have a chance, and I don't mean that facetiously.

    The marriage was never good. My first wife and I were never friends.
    Never saw eye-to-eye on anything. We were never man and wife. I knew it
    but because of those two factors that shaped who I was I always held out a
    hope for change. Well, change never came. I reneged on a promise I had
    made to myself lo those many years ago. My heart has yet to heal, but life
    goes on.

    Zev, my friend, by your own words you haven't had a marriage for four
    years, maybe longer. I don't know how old you are, but life is short. You
    may not realize how short, but there's not enough time to go around hiding
    our true feelings from our friends and loved ones -- we do that enough with
    work mates and casual acquaintances -- and certainly you should not be
    forced to conceal who you are from your wife. Without reservation, her
    love for you should be unconditional. Not that she doesn't/can't have her
    own mind on matters, but as long as your views cause her no injury, she
    should learn her husband and accept you just as you are. Period. Many,
    many women would be willing to do this.

    Based on what you say, she is unwilling. She is unwilling to live up to her
    words spoken in front of onlookers (not to mention her god) on your
    wedding day. Her loyalties and true love lie elsewhere. There's nothing
    wrong with that. She has her life to live and she has every right to live it. As
    far as I can figure, based on what I know of your situation, you have but one
    choice, and I think you know what it is. It's the same painful but inexorable
    choice I made. Like I said, life is too short to f**k around with people who
    aren't down for you.

    My address is [email protected]. My mailbox is open to you. I'll give
    you my phone # if you wish and we can chat. Whatever.

    peace, dude,
    "If they don't want to be with you during the bad times,
    you don't need them for the good times."

    ----- unknown, but apropos.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Zev, ****HUGS***** I'm sorry that I didn't get to read this earlier. I feel so badly for the turmoil you're going through right now.

    I do agree that your wife is probably using the ultimatum routine to "bring you to your senses" so that you'll go back to the cult and make everything okay....with Jehovah's help, of course. Unfortunately, no matter how much she wants to believe that, it just isn't true.

    You've been given some very good advice here. Additionally, I sent you mail. I'm not far away, and I'm available for talking if you want.

  • jurs

    just wanted to let you know i'm thinking of you!!!!! hugs to you jurs

  • zev

    from my sister....

    I tried to join the board but it is all screwed up,but wouldn't let me post anything so i am enclosing my post here to you: Zev, This note comes to you from someone you have known all your life and wants only the best for you! I too........have been where you are! God is a loving person and only wants true hapiness for us all! This I believe with all my soul! Stop beating yourself up over this! You are a good man.........and have been a faithful husband! No one can take those things from you! Be proud of who you are and what you are and you will find your way through this! If she finds her way back to was meant to be! If not, you by being you and following what is in your heart will be ok through this! I have faith in you as a person.........and as my brother! I love You! Me

    Now feeling the pain of sitting on the pickets class.

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Dear Zev,
    I was afraid this might happen many months ago when I saw some of your conflicted posts. When it gets to the point it has with you and the org. there is no turning back. You feel like you feel about it and you have a right to feel that way. When I went through counseling one of the many things I learned that was very important is that we are entitled to our feelings. No one can tell us how we should feel, that is all encompassing IMO. It includes how you feel about the org.
    I think the bottom line question is, how do you really feel about your wife and your marriage? A lot of great people have posted a lot of wonderful advice. But none of us are equipped to supply the answer to that question. Only you can. So please Zev, don't lose sight of the whole picture. You obviously have made up your mind about the org and what you are going to do about that. Now you MUST evaluate your feelings about your wife. Do you want to try to salvage the marriage? Is there anything worth saving? Do you still love her?
    Then after deciding how you feel about that, you must pursue the most logical course you can based on your knowlege of the situation.
    If you do want to salvage. I would suggest a heart to heart conversation with your wife about that. And only that. All other issues aside. Just you and her and your marriage!!
    Take care of yourself. And know that we will support you in whatever you decide!!! DO NOT SELL YOURSELF OUT, no matter what. Persue what is most important to you and yourself and your well being. Don't forget, IMO, that is one of the things the Society tries to take away from us. Being true to ourselves and our feelings.

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