What do they do with all that cash?

by yxl1 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • yxl1

    I don’t understand why the WTS doesn’t donate some of its time and resources to charity. Surely helping others in need would classify as a (the) Christian act, and would bring a “good witness”. Imagine peoples perspective of the WTS if they helped financially with high profile disasters. The positive media coverage itself would be worth more than a million hours of door knocking. With the amount of wealth built up over the years, they would be in a position to help millions of people each year. This would raise/change their profile from being just doorknockers selling a poor mans reader’s digest. The bible is stuffed full of examples of helping others, and yet gives only a few mentions of the apostles doing “door to door” work. (Taking into account variations in translation, I think there are only 4). Preaching the “Good news” does not classify as charity, no matter how you look at it.

    Which brings me onto my next point. What the hell do they do with all that cash? Someone mentioned that the WTS has an annual turnover of 1 billion dollars. I can’t imagine the GB speeding around in sports cars and living the high life of hookers, coke and champagne. All Kingdom halls are bought either by loans from the society or by the local JW community. I’ve seen the JW propaganda videos and I know for a fact they don’t spend ANY money of fashion. So what do they do with the cash? One witness I spoke to said they use it to further the “work” in poor countries, pay for Assemblies, and to pay for CO/DO living expenses. That doesn’t hold water. I’ve read many examples of entire African congregations forced into sharing a few magazines during the Watchtower study. CO’s and DO’s only get pennies from the society and again the local congregation are expected to cough up for the privilege of the visit. And if memory serves me correct, we all made donations to help fund assemblies. If anyone knows what they do with their cash, I’d like to know.

  • ignorance is strength
    ignorance is strength

    They don't spend on charity because its all going to disappear soon anything and reading the watchtower is much more benefitial than food. "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." (James 1:27, NRSV).

    I think (this is opinion) that they spend most of their money on investments, the ultimate purpose is who knows. Maybe they'll use the money to rebuild everything after armageddon :).

  • Nosferatu

    They buy the finest polyester suits money can buy!

  • SixofNine

    From what I've seen, they A) horde it, and B) occasionally buy property (which often turns into a very good investment, dollar wise).

  • topanga

    they have started Jehovah airlines private jets, cruise ships for their cruise lines, building all around the world as well as luxury condos , bungalows island spaces etc.

    These brothers in charge of the accounts and their families go to the best private schools and colleges trips vacations and have many other types of buisness going what did you think ?

  • yxl1
    what did you think ?

    I really dont know what they did with their money, which is why I asked. I read Bill Bowens radio transcript on slientlambs.org where he makes the observation that money given to the WTS is used to fight court cases, but I dont think they're spending all of their cash on protecting baptised paedophiles. Even if they invest their money, its only going to make more money. So what are they spending this money on?

    These brothers in charge of the accounts and their families go to the best private schools and colleges trips vacations

    That might explain a few hundred grand, but I'm still miffed at where the rest of the cash is going. Again, I'm asking because this topic came up with a JW who said that ALL the cash is being spent on speading the "word". I dont believe that for a second, but I didnt have any argument against it.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Yeah, it's interesting to know how they only apply Jesus words, 'You receive free, give free' to sharing 'verbal' information, not 'printed' material. Compelled voluntary contributions. In other words shaming people, to donate.

    They have grossly violated James 1:27, "The form of worship that is clean and undefiled ... is this...to look after orphans and widows in their TRIBULATION..." Are they referring themselves as orphans and widows?

    Good question, where does the rest of the money go especially when the scriptures tell us that it will be thrown in the streets during the great and fear inspiring day of God.

    I wonder if they know that its all FIAT money. Money that has no intrinsic value. Why don't they write about that in their literature. The soap opera continues.

    Guest 77

  • searchfothetruth

    One point was made in the first post that the GB don't drive around in sports cars etc...

    Well the GB and other higher ups don't need to. They live a very luxurious life without having to put their hands in their pockets. They have luxurious apartments in Bethel (Rutherford had a whole floor to himself) which on the open market would sell for a lot of money. They get to travel all around the world, first class air travel, and are treated like kings wherever they go.

    Also the WT society invest their hard-donated money in the stock-market to create more wealth. As we have seen some of the investments they own would not be tolerated by the normal witness to own, but they are above such things. The Rand Corp, and Philip Morris Tobacco (thanks expatbrit)

    It's a money making racket, pure and simple.

  • yxl1

    It still bothers me that they've got mountains of cash and yet we dont really know what the hell they're spending it on.

  • unique1

    They do do charity work!!!! They do the most important charity work possible. They save lives!!! How you say? Why by extending gods loving kindness to them through teaching the poor and down trodden about God's promise for the future. That way when the poor and downtrodden, dies of starvation or exposure, they will die happy knowing there is a paradise awaiting them. After all isn't that better than food or shelter really?!!!! (insert sarchasm as needed)

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