I Just Don't "Fit" Anywhere!

by pettygrudger 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • pettygrudger

    I'm sitting at work today, listening to all the different "cliques" around me, typing here on these boards a bit:eek (don't tell), and it occurred to me again that I JUST DON'T FIT.

    It seems like I don't "fit" anywhere. I'm always on the outskirts of alot of "groups", always on the fringe, but never inside. The only true "clique" I belong to is my husband & children - the most important of all.

    My friends - I don't have one of those "close circles" of girlfriends who have known each other forever. My friends is a pot pourri mix of people I've "acquired" over the years - but they hardly know each other.

    Work - don't get in the "inner" goings on there either. I listen to EVERYONE's gossip - so they all "like" me -but I'm never one "involved" with the gossip..

    The discussion boards - seems like there are groups that have known each other forever, and really good friendships are made. I've been on these boards for almost 2 years - but friendships that have evolved to real life - very few (maybe 5).

    Most of the time it bothers me that I don't really seem to "belong" anywhere. But today for some reason, it makes me smile. Its okay to be an oddball.....and life is good.:D

  • StinkyPantz


    Yes, being an oddball is quite okay. I personally am drawn to them. Let's be friends.

  • Jayson

    pg that makes you smart, normal, and nobody's fool. It makes you the best kind of "friend" to have. imo

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    PG, don't fret, my wife always reminds me that I'm not normal. In fact, she mentioned it last night at the restaurant to Ascot & JH.

    You 'know' who your true clique is, and that's all that matters.

    Guest 77

  • Brummie

    I'm with you on this Petty, I could easily fit into the cliques at work etc but I dont choose to, I just take the whole bunch and give them whatever, listen to each and join none. Its a wise place to be and your a wise person. While you may not fit in with a bunch I gaurentee you that the bunch think kindly of you.

    (((( P)))))


  • smack

    we are all individuals......

    I'm not, I don't fit

  • pettygrudger

    Owww - I meant for this to be a positive thread - not a "woe is me"....

    I don't know if its because of my JW background, or if its just me....and as I'm getting older, I'm realizing its not necessarily a "bad thing" (as I always felt). In fact, as you have mentioned, it makes me feel a little better knowing there is no "particular" niche - I belong to the world (hee hee)

    I'm sure alot of ex-JW's (especially new ones) are feeling like they don't "fit" anywhere - and I just want them to know that's okay!

    And Stinky - you'd be a GREAT friend to have

    Brummie - I forgot until you posted - I am a brummie b*tch - no nicer clique to be (although from all the ladies reaction to you on this board, and some men, that's becoming a pretty crowded place!).

  • alias

    PG - :) It's okay dear.

    I'm one of those kind of people too. On the fringe, always having a birdseye view.

    I don't allow myself to get pulled into the drama - I got too much I want to do! But I enjoy absorbing what I can from (the lessons of) others. They teach me so well.

    We do fit in .... Just in places other people often overlook.

    It's okay... to be you. Celebrate your unique perspective. Not fitting in has its advantages. :)


  • gumby


    First I want to say I always love your cute picture when you post.... and I'm not flirting either dammit!

    Most of the time it bothers me that I don't really seem to "belong" anywhere. But today for some reason, it makes me smile. Its okay to be an oddball.....and life is good.:D

    You solved your own dilema!

    Many of us feel "not right" about ourselves because we are not like a majority that may be around us. Many times I like to not talk( althogh I can be a talker), and it seems others around me are wired acting yappers. I think 'why don't you just rest your damn jaws awhile and smell the roses'? Then I feel quilty maybe I'm the one who needs to liven up. It has been just recently I'm learning that people are who they are and if I'm that way.......don't feel bad.......it's just me.

    Don't keep putting quarters in your asskickin machine


  • blondie

    Groucho Marx

    I would never belong to a group that would accept someone like me as a member.

    Blondie (not a group person)

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