Did God Create Dinosaurs Or UFOs?

by Latin assassin from Manhattan 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SYN

    The reason the Bible doesn't mention life on other worlds is quite simple: When the Bible was written, there was simply no concept of "Other Worlds", i.e. the authors of the Bible were quite ignorant about the fact that there are others star systems and planets.

    Of course, they were also ignorant of the exact composition of blood, and a great many other things.

    Just goes to show, don't ask the question 'WHY' using the Bible as a starting point. Rather, just ask WHY in general!

    The main problem with dinosaurs and other fossil creatures is the very fact that they are fossilized. It's a terrible thorn in the side of the Tower, because geologists can prove quite easily that the Earth is much, much older than the Tower maintains, and the fossils that are there are just more proof. And, thanks to the repeated pattern of simple lifeforms becoming more complex in later strata, it really is very difficult for them to refute evolution in their books. Notice how they always attack the smaller details of evolution, but don't face up to the big picture.

  • drwtsn32
    Just because the bible does not make mention of it it doesn't mean it isn't so.

    That's not what I meant by "the bible does not mention it." All I meant was that if someone perceives the bible as the word of god and wants to find an answer about aliens, they won't find it in the bible. It doesn't say either way. The lack of information in the bible should not be viewed as evidence that there are no aliens.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    A long time ago when I was an active teenaged Dub, I contemplated the question of whther Jehovah might have created life on other worlds, and it seemed reasonable to me then to conclude that the "source of all life" might easily have populated other planets. I wondered if there might be other planets populated by intergalactic Jehovah's Witnesses.

    How to handle the Dub "sovereignty" issue though?

    Did Satan's challenge to Jehovah involve ONLY the earthly human creation?

    Was it possible that there were races on other worlds who were the perfect desendants of their first perfect parents who had never fallen into the trap set by their particular Satan?

    Was earth "disfellowshipped" from an intergalactic association of theocrats?

    Were ther other planets where the issue of sovereignty had been settled long ago, populated by a redeemed race, the spiritual sons of an extraterrestrial Jesus?

    Is there a planet somewhere that is not so far along as we are in the outworking of God's plan? As Yeats asked, "What rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches toward Jerusalem to be born?"

    A science fiction writer whose name I can't recall asked, "Are there mangers on other worlds?"

  • heathen

    Natas-- The WTBTS does not say that satan only influenced humans but that he caused a huge rebellion in the spirit realm as well . Many people seem to think that the bible does mention UFOs especially in the ezekiel where it mentions the wheel inside a wheel but anyone who reads the whole thing gets the idea it was not an alien space craft piloted by biological life forms .I think what the bible says is that the earth is being visited by supernatural beings and not by little green or grey men .I think if the bible is mentioning dinosaurs it would have to be day 4 of genisis where it mentions sea monsters and I discovered that the hebrew word used here can also mean big snake .

  • peacefulpete

    All dinos ate vegies and UFOs are demons.........

  • Hamas

    I was told once that God created Dinosaurs so that they could 'cultivate the land'.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Did God Create Dinosaurs Or UFOs?

    Answer: Yes on dinosaurs. Other "created" beings have advanced technology and provide for our viewing pleasure. GOD, DOES WHATEVER HE WANTS.

  • ClassAvenger

    In my opinion, I dont think we are the only creation of Jehovah. Why would he need to tell us about other creations? He probably just told us what we needed to know. Like Mr. Kim said, God does whatever he wants. - CA

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