Well, here's my story

by ignorance is strength 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Prisca

    Hello and welcome.

    I don't know how old you are, but my advice is to start making a life for yourself independant from your parents. Once they know that you don't want "the Truth", they will probably ask you to leave home, and their emotional support will drop, perhaps even to the point of shunning you. If you've grown up as a JW, I'm sure you know what I mean.

    So start making an independant life for yourself, so that if you find yourself on your own physically and emotionally, you won't have as hard a time as many of us have had.

  • Hamas

    Welcome to the board, Ignorance !!!!

    I hope you have a nice stay. That was a very interesting story, thank you.


  • outnfree

    Welcome to the Board, Ignorance_is_Strength!

    You sound a bit like my daughter, who was about 12 when she realized how chauvinistic and disapproving of "independent thinking" the organization is. All of my kids found it easier to make friends with "worldly" kids -- let's face it, the JW kids were not allowed to be themselves and thus it was hard to know who, exactly, one was making friends with -- JW kids always had to wear a clock of righteousness which served as a mask.

    I'm glad that you made your way out and hope that your dad, not being too strong, won't turn his back on you. I take it that you never did get baptized, so you won't be subject to shunning from your family, although you'll likely be an outcast as far as the local congregation sees things. As this prospect does not appear to bother you too much, and as you are planning on university, I think you'll do just fine.

    My advice about religion is similar to Dawn's: religions are man-made and worship of God does not require adherance to any one sect. I can understand Catholocism's appeal -- when I was young I figured since the Catholics claimed the unbroken chain back to "Pope" Peter, that was a very good place to start for one believing in Jesus as Savior -- and it IS rich with tradition and beauty (in stark contrast to KHs).

    I think it would be better for you if you went away to university and explored various Christian churches then, rather than upset your parents while you are still at home. I agree that it is easier for a JW parent to accept that their child has lost all faith in god (become an atheist) than to reject "true Christianity" for what a JW has been conditioned to believe is "Christendom." (I speak from experience.)

    Good luck in whatever you decide is best for you, and again, welcome!


  • bikerchic

    Welcome to the Board, Ignorance_is_Strength!

    You sound like a very intelligent young man figuring out the truth about the "truth" at such a young age, if only I had.......happy trails to you!


  • pettygrudger

    Welcome to the board IIS!!!

    Sounds like you are truly "seeking" him - which is all Jesus asked of us, other than to love our fellow man & follow the "golden rule". That's what true christianity is all about (at least 2 me).

    Look forward to hearing more from you! And if you do find the "true" religion - let us know - some of us have been searching for years!

  • drwtsn32

    Welcome IIS!

    Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I can understand you to some degree; the inability to have an independent thought is really why I left the organization. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. Again, welcome!

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hey Ignorance is strength,

    Welcome to the forum

    Enjoyed your story immensely. It's so nice to see, younger members, like yourself free up your mind from the JW's before University, marriage and kids. Now is the time to begin thinking and searching the world for yourself. Try not to get involved in things that only closes doors for you.

    Enjoy your posts, too.

    Special K

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