I have been shunned!

by shera 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • shera

    Not that I really care...but my daughters family has a few of them that are JW's.For many yrs they talked to me very limited,I guess they have found out that I no longer believe the org has truth to it.So now the shunning has started...lol when we met in the coffee shop my daughters father did this little dance shuffle, backwards to get out of my way...Even a few weeks back when he picking something up from here for my daughter they had to get him to carry it(this happened before I knew I was a shunnee) he peeked around the corner of my door and took a weak step in..he leaned a bit couldnt reach what he was trying to pick up,then he took another step..leaned...still couldnt get it...I was watching him like..good gawd!! Does he think a demon is going to get him?How sad..I am amazed at what this cult has done to persons minds.....back to the story... =0)

    My hubbies brother is married to my daughter's aunt and she is a JW.....and we went camping with my hubbies family and they were to meet my daughter's father and other jw...well when they seen me pull up in the van,I thought they were going to have a stroke.My daughters stepmom was about to pop her last nerve.They sat behind the tent and chatted forawhile and my brother in law came over and said they are leaving because of me.So they took down alll their camping gear and moved far enough away from the evil..bad bad Heather.(lol)

    I don't feel hurt in anyway,but it sure does remind me of why I am gald I am no longer a JW. Do they really think this is showing me love and make me want to come crawling back to this pathic mind controlling cult. All that did was make me sick, that I used to be part of that.Even if there was a chance of me going back(never was) that sure did just push me futher away from it ...thankyou very muchly!

    When I get the chance I am going to tell them all that I couldn't care less if they ever say boo to me again.I may sound angry to you but with all seriousness I am not.

    Any JW's reading this...your shunning crap is complete foolishness..all it is a way to keep people in and make them go back when they have no where elese to go.My family that was there with me sure had their eyes opened to this religion and they were appaled by their behavior..they said that is not from thier God but that is from satan himself.Your own kind and your own rules turn people off...

    All in all..I'm ok and I'm just so happy I am JW free!

    ** shera doing to happy dance,that she is no longer a DUB!**

  • unbeliever

    I'm happy to hear that it does not upset you. I get shunned by some witnesses sometimes and I was never even baptized. Lucky me! I just laugh in their face.

  • shera

    I wanted to add here,that my sister inlaw still talks to me and we visit.She mentioned to me,that hse couldnt even if she wanted to because of the famlies...I have known her just about all her life and she wouldnt just stop talking to me.

  • Brummie

    If they shun you, its their loss.

    You are right, that shunning policy is the most pathetic display of "Christian love", its just a testimony to how brainwashed they are. "lets show shera we truly love her by shunning her"...durr

    Hope they all come out one day.


  • KGB

    Yeah I too had been shunned and I was not even baptised, but then they feel if your excepted as an unbaptised publisher OOOHHHHHH! that you are treated the same. I think it is a perfect example of there falsehood. It goes against all that Jesus taught. But then thats why they are listed as a cult.

    Even though they shunn me ? I don't shunn them, I get right in front of them and I present them the truth about their religion and the truth about Christ. Of course they are just about stummbling over themselves to get away from me (LOL) but I will not lower myself to their level of thinking..

    I know it can be a painful thing to some but in all actuallity it is a release, a freedom and it actually feels kinda good to see a liar run away...


    OF COURSE! We can all tell in your post.

    The behaviour they display is enough to make any non-JW go "What the *%$^?" and former JWs, re-think (rather quickly I might add): 'I ain't going back to that nonsense'.

    The camping story, perfect example. Crazy behaviour, unnatural to the point of perpetual discomfort.

    Shera my dear: what a relief to be on the 'other' side of Jdubism, eh?

    I can't, for the life of me, ever...ever imagine going back to that mindset. Makes me almost sick to my stomach to even contemplate such foolishness.

    Good for you: you stood your ground.

    Next time, carry a Smurf with you. Watch them scream, flinch and cry.

  • shera

    Brummie I hope they all come out someday themselves and see the lies they are living.

    Razor,the smurf sounds like a good idea...lol I should try and find a battery operated one that walks...and put it in their kingdom hall doors...muhahahah.

    Thanks everyone who responded.


  • Mary
    My hubbies brother is married to my daughter's aunt and she is a JW.....

    Well you know.....the family that lays together, stays together.

  • cruzanheart

    1. Make sure JW relative is holding hot cup of coffee.

    2. Sneak up on them.

    3. Say "boo" very quietly.

    4. Enjoy reaction.

    Isn't it amazing how silly the whole shunning thing seems now? WHAT WERE WE THINKING????

    Welcome to the "No Shunning Zone," Heather.


  • avengers

    Being shunned?

    A way of life it almost seems. Then they do and then they don't.

    Tires me out.

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