I told you hairy backs were good

by joelbear 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten

    OMG - a hairy back related lost love story! Thats so sad.

    But why would you want to love someone the way they are when you can Nair?

    KK of the "still doesnt like hairy backs" class (sorry)

  • FlyingHighNow
    KK of the "still doesnt like hairy backs" class (sorry)

    Hope you do watch who you say that to though. It's really not necessary to say it to everyone in the world, you know?

  • FlyingHighNow
    OMG - a hairy back related lost love story! Thats so sad.

    Trust me, he was very happy to be rid of her. No love lost there. You don't have to like hairy backs. Just don't put some poor guy through that nair thing. Find someone whose looks you like and hopefully be sensative to the fact that you can hurt people's feelings with comments like the one's Andy's exgirlfriend made.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I am with you on the hairy ears. I asked my now husband, very early in our relationship, if I could pluck his ears. Not really romantic, but it was a huge turnoff. Now I have passed on the duty to child. She kinda liked doing it when she was a little girl, now as a teenager, she grumbles. She told him last time, that he should just braid it, and comb it over his bald spot. HL

  • katiekitten
    now as a teenager, she grumbles

    You still make your daughter do that? ROFL ROFL ROFL

    If I have to shave my partners ears then he has to pluck the hairs off my chin when we get old!

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Well my eyes aren't as good as they used to be. And we will only have her at home for another 4 or 5 years. Have to use her as much as we can. Don't have anymore children, to do things for us. I understood why I had a child, when she was about 2. When she was able to bring me the channel changer. It was a glorious day!!!! Should have had more. But they cost way toooo much, she is very high maintenance. Doesn't do much of anything to help around the house. So plucking, is the least she can do. HL

  • FlyingHighNow
    Does your son expect his girlfriend to shave her pits? IF he's OK with naturally hairy women, then I'm sure he will find one that doesn't mind back hair. Otherwise, it's a double standard.

    Andy is my S. O. He doesn't impose a double standard. If you don't prefer hair on a man's chest or back, get a naturally smooth man. It's selfish to expect anything other than staying showered, clipped nails that don't snag, brushed teeth, if the mate doesn't agree. If you have a guy with hair all over him that doesn't have a problem with waxing, etc. then that's fine. But if he doesn't like shaving, then why demand that? Especially don't be insensitive to anyone's feelings about something they came by honestly.

    Women are naturally hairy. Some more so than others; but we all grow hair. And not all cultures demand that women shave or wax.

  • katiekitten

    OMG I hate hair except on my head. I know its pathetic, and it grows like all OVER, but I really resent god for giving me hair on my big toes.

    KK of the "make like a mourning egyptian" class

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Thankfully I am not a naturally hairy man. Any hair that is not on my head goes down the shower drain. Hairy women are entirely unappealing to me. Not a big fan of pubes either.

  • katiekitten

    Me neither.

    I shave for England. Im an olympic shaver. Im the queen of bics. I banish evil hair to the fires of hell. Especially that lone cowboy that grows just below my bellybutton.

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