I have a question about the assemblies.

by twolips 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • twolips

    When I was young (er) The society said the army came to the assemblies to observe how they fed the flock.

    My question is, even though the asemblies were much more grander then now, with the food distribution ending and all, feeding thousands of people. Now they bring their own lunches.......I regress...does anyone remember how the military was in awe of us?

  • SixofNine

    I received the congressional medal of honor for my work with hoagies, back in the 70's. How's that for shock and awe?

    nice name, btw.

  • borgfree

    I don't know about "in awe", but I do remember the military coming to the international convention in NY to observe how the cafeteria served so many people so quickly.


  • lisaBObeesa
    I received the congressional medal of honor for my work with hoagies, back in the 70's.


  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    I heard that the US Marines were at the assembly in Pontiac Michigan this year. They had reliable intelligence from the White House that there were weapons of mass destruction there. However after witnessing a dome full of brain dead robots, they all left in shock and awe.


  • twolips

    Stan..I hope I am not deleted for this, But I hate you so much! <slap>

    Any Who, this is a legitamate question.

  • blondie

    This is the only documentation I can find of any "worldly organization" being in awe of the feeding program.

    6/1/55 WT

    p. 349 Lessons in Feeding

    The Toronto Globe and Mail, July 24, 1954, headlined an article: "Witnesses Show the Way: Defense Experts Get Tips on Serving Meals." The item said: "Air Vice-Marshal T. H. Lawrence, Toronto civil defense director, and A. Deslaurier, civil defense co-ordinator for North York, paid a visit to CNE grandstand cafeterias yesterday to observe assembly line feeding of Jehovah’s Witnesses. This was the second visit of civil defense authorities to a Watchtower convention, the first having taken place last year at the Yankee Stadium when New York civil defense officials watched a similar demonstration of mass feeding." Further, it explained: "Smooth operations were due to two things—pre-organizational work and the enthusiasm of the workers." Air Marshal Lawrence, the paper stated, "said he was most impressed with the organizational work of the kitchen workers who had ‘many lessons to teach in the organizing of assembly-line feeding.’"

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy
    Smooth operations were due to two things—pre-organizational work and the enthusiasm of the workers.

    Of course the workers were enthusiastic. It was far better than having to stay in your seat and listen to the boring talks.


  • garybuss

    The army came to see why 250,000 people would camp out in a ball park for 8 days. And how did they do that without killing each other.

    Hear in Sioux Falls, they did not have proper refrigeration and the health department closed the kitchen down. Somebody rented a semi trailer with a thermo king on it and the kitchen was re-opened. Jehovah was thanked for the refrigerated trailer in prayer from the platform. We have a meat packer here in town and I could have rented 300 refrigerated trailers if I had enough cash. Jehovah my ass! The god of the cash roll won that battle.

  • wednesday
    However after witnessing a dome full of brain dead robots, they all left in shock and awe.


    i apologize to the person who started htis thread, but that was very funny. lol


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