Are Americans The Victims of a Hoax?

by reporter 29 Replies latest social current

  • Hamas
  • OrbitingTheSun

    That's a good article, Reporter. Thanks for sharing.

    We don't really know who planned the World Trade Towers attacks. We only know who they wanted us to blame.
    Because of the vested interests at work here, American citizens must, more than at any other time in recent history, rely on themselves to decide what is happening in our nation. Too many of those who purport to report the "truth" to us are eager to grab more tax money and more children to pour into a war of invasion, poised at a region which has swallowed up every army that has tried to conquer it since the time of Alexander The Great.
  • SixofNine

    I think we know who planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks.

    But if not, this severs my already tenuous relationship with Radioshack, dammit! Why the hell do they need my home address and name everytime I buy some 59cent item???? It's over for those geek nazi's! Nevermore!

  • teejay

    >>>> I think we know who planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks.

    Yes we do, Six. Yes... we sure do. *wink*

  • Pistoff

    Please stop with this predictable nonsense.

    What next, reporter and Hamas, will we be hearing about the protocols of the elders of Zion?

    9/11, it is what it is.

    Bin Laden hates the fact that Saudi Arabia has connections with the US; most feel he used Saudi's in order to drive a wedge between the US and Saudi Arabia.

    Saudi Arabia kicked Bin Laden out years ago because he wanted the US off Saudi soil, and Bin Laden wants revenge on them too.

    Please use your head on this; this is itself insidious propaganda designed to provoke knee jerk racist reaction against Israel.

  • teejay

    You're right, Pistoff. Everyone knows bin Laden coordinated 9/11 from his cave in Afghanistan, funded with Saddam's money. Israel had nothing to do with it and had nothing to gain. In fact, Israeli officials knew nothing of the affair until somebody saw it on CNN the next day. Let it go, people.

  • back2dafront

    if Bin Laden y Al Qaeda were responsible for this, why didn't they fess up to it like they claim responsibility for it like they've done with other attacks? The article i read bin laden said he didn't have anything to do with it, but he was pleased with what he saw.

    personally, i think the simple fact that the bush family and bin laden families have done business together tells the whole story right there. especially seeing how bin laden got away. if there were 1 or 2 weird things about 9/11 i'd probably dismiss them, but 20?

  • teejay

    >>>> if there were 1 or 2 weird things about 9/11 i'd probably dismiss them, but 20?

    Minor discrepancies. Let it do, dude. Come on! The Administration would never cover up something like that!

  • back2dafront

    yo teejay, are you being sarcastic or no?

  • teejay

    Being sarcastic, Jay.

    Only totally braindead morons believe the bs I just wrote. To these people, if Bush says it, it must be true. Idiots.

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