Did the elders keep secret files on us?

by XJWBill 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    I didn't realize it at the time but I
    believe (I have no proof.) that a note was put in the congregation on me to "watch me".


    doug you are most likely correct- if the service desk gets a letter that the bro on the desk DEEMS
    AS a possible problem publisher-

    they will send

    1. a copy of your letter along with
    2. a copy of what they sent to you
    3. as well as instructions to the elders and cc the CO and yes in
    this case the letter will be put into your files with speicfic instructions to 'WORK WITH THIS BRO'

    WINK WINK "keep your eye on this jacka$$ he could be trouble down the road asking to many damn
    questions" SMILE

    SO more than likely that is why you never got appointed and each time the CO came to visit
    they would march out that old letter and enough of the body of elders along with the CO would vote not to appoint you each and every time

    and you just thought that you were being trained like Moses 40YRS GET THAT appointement

    we used to tell guys all the time KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK knowing damn well we would never
    recommend them for dog catcher.,



  • Prisca

    I know that when I sent a letter to the Society (one copy to Brooklyn and one to the local branch), when the local branch sent me a reply, they cc'd a copy to my elders. I know this because it was on the letter of reply they sent me.

    Interestingly, although my local elders received that copy, they did nothing to contact me to address the concerns I had written about. But then, the reply from Bethel (local branch) didn't address the issues I wrote about either; instead they gave a whitewashed reply that any dodo could have written.

  • Camay

    I think they do keep files. I went to a memorial last month
    I was parking my car. I dont know anyone at any hall
    before I could get out my car. A elder was at my window
    smiling and saying " OOh are you ****"?

    I was freaked out by this stranger using my name. He was like
    I am glad you came out today, hope you enjoy the talk. I thought
    to myself this is a CULT FOR REAL. How does he know my name !?

  • professor

    I had an interesting thing happen to me some six years after being disfellowshipped. I had just moved into a new pad on the trendy east side of Milwaukee. I had not yet forwarded my mail and hadn't informed any JW's about my new location. I was just getting off the graveyard shift and a girl I worked with whom I was dating came over. We were going to watch a movie at my house and decided to walk over to the liquor store across the street to grab a six-pack. On the way back from the store, some JW's were doing some street witnessing and stopped us. I did not let on that I was disfellowshipped, and politely took the latest copy of the Watchtower and Awake! Then of course they wanted my address so they could do a return visit. When I told them my address, their attitude changed. They quickly ended the conversation and hurried away, as if they knew that I was disfellowshipped.

    The incident stunned and frightened me, considering the possibility that the Society would keep track of me so closely. I'm convinced that they keep extensive records on everyone.

    On a totally different subject, when I was a Witness at age 16, some brothers and I got together to make a telephone directory of all of the Witnesses in our congregation. When we were finished and started to hand them out, the elders approached us and sternly warned us to stop distributing the directory immediately. Their reason was that during the great tribulation, the information would fall into the hands of the authorities and it would be easier for them to track down and persecute the congregation. Years later, I realize that the real reason was that they didn't want it to be easy for ex-members to contact or send mail to the congregation members.

  • SanFranciscoJim

    I live in San Francisco, California. I was disfellowshipped over 3,000 miles from here in the Virgin Islands over 21 years ago. Yet, when the JW's work the territory where my apartment is located, they will ring every bell in the building but mine. A coincidence? I think not! Although I have no way of proving it, I believe my dossier is still being kept up to date even more than two decades after my expulsion with a notation on the territory card where I live which states: "Apostate - Do Not Call".

  • professor

    I have seen such notations on the back of territory cards. This definately happens. Sometimes while going door-to-door I would accidentally knock on the wrong door, later seeing the notation on the back of the territory card. I just wonder how in the hell they tracked me down so efficiently since I gave them no information.

  • chasson

    Dschields and Prisca,

    It would be interesting that you scan your letter and the answer
    of the Society. When i talk with R&F, they don't want to believe
    me that the society generally don't really answer to the question

    If a lot of correspondance between Faithfull's JW and Bethel would
    be available on the net, they could make their own opinion about



  • ozziepost

    Bonjour chasson,

    When i talk with R&F, they don't want to believe
    me that the society generally don't really answer to the question

    The Service Department at Bethel has a database containing standard responses to letters. Of course, some letters of enquiry have to get modified responses but the basis for all responses is the database.



  • TheApostleAK

    Do elders keep secret files on us???? Wouldn't you like to know. I got my file in the post today.....let's say that it's pretty interesting.............

  • chasson

    Hi ozzie

    >The Service Department at Bethel has a database containing standard responses to letters. Of course, some letters of enquiry have to get modified responses but the basis for all responses is the database

    I think so, for an example of a short answer of French's Bethel:

    See [url] http://www.chez.com/tjrecherches/lettres.htm [/url]



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