Ernest Ricketts ... DISFELLOWSHIPPED

by RR 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • RR

    For those of you who know ... or know of Ernie Ricketts, he was disfellowshipped a weerk ago, a long time prominent Jehovah's Witness, who represented the Watchtower in Jersey City, he was the care taker of the Stanley Theater. There are a few post in the archivs that make mention of him.

    I knew him personally, from what I was able to gather, the Society wanted to get rid of him, apparently as someone told me "he was too black for the Society," so they found a 17 year old "sin" and used that to get rid of him. hah!


  • integ
    he was too black for the Society

    Isn't about 3/4's of the Rank and file black? Where's the love?

  • integ

    Whoops___I mean 1/4.

  • benext

    That caretaker job is a flunky job they could have just moved him out. Why DF?

  • Mecurious?

    What was the sin?


  • ashitaka

    Too black? Do you mean, he was preachy in a Baptist sort of way? I have seen some prejudice towards black brothers who had that kind of preaching style.

    I remember that name, never met the guy, but I heard of him. I used to go to Buckingham for assemblies, never Jersey City.

    Hmm. That is interesting, though.


  • Elsewhere

    By "too black", does that mean he was they type who said "Ju-eeeeeezus-su!" when he spoke?

  • JT

    Yes i remember Ricketts - he was a crook- he used to rent the Standley theater out for wedding photos- smile

    i recall when they used to have bethelites as assembly hall keepers a "former" buddy of mine was assigned there - they rotated cleaning guys over there for like 6 months stints-

    anyway they were allowed to order almost any food they wanted and they kept plenty STEAK

    we used to have gatherings over there at night, esp after sat assemblies were over- the sisters would hang around and he and his partner would sneak sisters upstairs

    for anyone who has been there - you may not realize it but the assembly hall keepers apartment is up over top of the stage, kinda off to the side, and one can actually open one of the painted widows that is up there and it is really a door so that you can walk out and over look the auditoruim

    it is really cool- anyway they replace bethelites with pioneer couples word kept getting back to much partying, never was no sex to my knowledge but lots of partying

    sometimes we would Pipe the OHIO PLAYERS. CAMEO, CON FUNK SHUN, LUTHER VAN DROSS THRU THE assembly hall sound system at night--yes we were wicked

    and then they put Ricketts in - he had this ugly pioneer sister for a wife and i felt sorry for her cause he was always so COOL with the sisters- he also RAN A CATERING BIZ and used the assembly hall supplies as well- at this time we still had food service

    he used to do jw wedding and at night he would rent out the theater so folks could take pictures like in GONE WITH THE WIND down that winding staircase

    now some of my boys let folks in todo the same but not for money, but Ricketts did

    of course as with every bethelite YOU NEVER ASK FOR MONEY if the bro gave you a GREEN HANDSHAKE you were thankful

    BUT everyone knew they had to give Ricketts something

    I wonder what the deal was that got him Dfed


  • Prisca
    he was too black for the Society
    Isn't about [1/4's] of the Rank and file black? Where's the love?

    Integ, you might want to quantify that statement. The JWs are in countries other than the USA, you know.

  • Vanant

    JT wrote:

    sometimes we would Pipe the OHIO PLAYERS. CAMEO, CON FUNK SHUN, LUTHER VAN DROSS THRU THE assembly hall sound system at night--yes we were wicked

    Oh my gosh, you actually did that? Whenever I went to the circuit assembly, I would always daydream about something like that happening . . . I hope someday, if the WT ever goes away, those huge assembly halls are converted into dance halls . . . :DD

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