by unique1 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • unique1

    God I wish they would quit giving my mom the ammo. Check out her comment. My mother a part of the borg to the extreme. God help me, please!!! Anyways, just in case your parents or siblings are the same way, reading this will let you know YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!

    Many times he mead his anger turn back, and he would not rouse up all his

    rage. - Ps. 78:38

    When a youth starts to drift away, he may resist any effort by his parents

    to have a spiritual discussion with him. What can parents do in such a

    trying situation? Consider what Jehovah did with ancient Israel. He put

    up with the "stiff-necked" Israelites for over 900 years before abandoning

    them to their wayward path (Ex. 34:9; 2 Chron. 36:17-21; Rom.

    10:21) Despite their repeatedly putting him to the test, Jehovah "was

    merciful" to them. He was faultless in his dealings with them. Parents

    can imitate Jehovah in being long-suffering by not hastily giving up on the

    deviating child. Without losing hope, they can take the initiative to keep

    the lines of communication open or to reestablish communication. While

    sticking to righteous principles they can again and again appeal to the

    child to return to the way of the truth. w 10/1/01 9, 11a


    Parents and children should always be open to communication. When a parent

    sees a child erring or drifting from the truth, the parent needs to talk

    and reason with the child regardless of age. The same goes with the child

    that sees a parent erring or drifting away from the truth. By doing this

    we show loving concern just like Jehovah. Let us please keep communication

    open and not take offense when we are prodded to do what is right.

  • teenyuck
  • unique1

    What I feel like writing her back.

    1 Thes. 4:10 Nevertheless we urge you, brothers, to progress even more,

    11 and to aspire to live a tranquil life, to mind your own affairs, and to work with your (own) hands, as we instructed you,

    12 that you may conduct yourselves properly toward outsiders and not depend on anyone
  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    "Consider what Jehovah did with ancient Israel. He put up with the "stiff-necked" Israelites for over 900 years before abandoning them to their wayward path."
    Tell her to cut you some slack for 900 years and you'll get back to her.

  • greven

    Try to prepare for such an occasion!

    Try to give your reasons for leaving in a calm and loigical way. Look up stuff on this site!

    Plenty of nicew material to discuss. This will either help them to understand or give upm on you totally. It's a win win situation!


  • Jourles

    When a youth starts to drift away, he may resist any effort by his parents to have a spiritual discussion with him.

    That's funny. As of late, my mother will not respond to me regarding my "spiritual discussion" with her. I have been bringing up WT quote after another and scans of documents that she can only respond with by saying, "So did the apostates come up with that as the topic of the month?"

    She will not respond to my emails and will not return my calls.

  • Nosferatu

    There's something wrong with this, lemme try and fix it....

    ...Parents can imitate Jehovah in being long-suffering by not hastily giving up on the deviating child, unless the child has been disfellowshipped from the congregation. Without losing hope, they can take the initiative to keep the lines of communication open or to reestablish communication, unless the child has been disfellowshipped from the congregation. While sticking to righteous principles they can again and again appeal to the child to return to the way of the truth by shunning him.

    There. That sounds more like the love the society encourages.

  • unique1

    Thanks guys. I usually just ignore her and hope she will stop. Maybe one day I will get the nerve to tell her to leave me the hell alone. I tell her I am capable of handling myself all the time. I also tell her it is my dedication and baptism and therefore I am responsible for myself, she need not worry, again that doesn't work.

  • jgnat

    I was not raised in a JW home, but I do have a manipulative mom. After her divorce, she wanted spread her "loving sunshine" around by listing all my dad's deficiencies every time I came to visit. I kept cutting her off. Mom said , "You need to communicate dear, it is the healthy thing to do."

    "You want communication? I'll give you communication. This divorce is the best thing that has ever happened for me and my dad. I felt sorry for him, so I started spending more time with him than I ever have before. We get together and just talk, and I am so happy that I am getting to know him as a person!"

    Her mouth snapped shut, and she never brought him up again.

    Something of the same sort should help you, Unique. So far you have, gently, kept your feelings to yourself. Do a Jourles. You don't have to bring up the UN or pedophiles, but maybe telling her how much happier and freer you are now might shut her down.

  • BluesBrother

    Lets not forget that they really beieve that you are going to be toast at the battle Of Amageddon , which is still "Imminent".So just like a parent seeing a youth waste their life on drugs or crime, they are bound to want to save you. Welcome it. Calmly, logically use the info from the net to show that their beliefs are a loan of *****. If they talk over , remind them of the WT counsell to listen to their children - and give them something to listen to. Sounds good in theory, why do I have a suspicion that it still wont reach them ? Worth trying though! Who knows you might even "Snatch them from the fire"

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