Do you get yearly visits from the elders?

by unbeliever 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • outoftheorg

    Its been since 1992 and I have never had a visit by the elders. They know where I live. A couple of sisters stopped by, about a year ago. I doubt they knew who I was. We talked a little while and they could tell I did not agree with them and left.

    I think the elders are afraid of me. I kinda hurt one of them. Not a lot. just a little bit. They df'd me for having fits of rage about my daughters molestation. I thought I ought to justify that charge so they would be happy.

    Good ridence sp? I say.


  • aarque

    I did a fade about 1981 and haven't seen hide nor hair of any elders in all that time. They can't find me now because I moved out of state two years ago. The funniest thing is, in all the years I lived near home, I was never ever contacted, never had dubs knock on my door. Two years ago I moved out of state and got married. One week after the wedding, a van pulled up in front of my house. I told my husband that they were witnesses. He asked me how did I know. I told him I knew the look. Sure enough, a few minutes later they were at the door, but I refused to answer, so they went away. I live in a very small village. My husband had been living here for ten years and this is the first time he'd ever had them at his door.

  • garybuss

    We used to set live traps for them under the porch. We'd put Hustler magazines in brown paper wrappers in the traps for bait. Once we caught three elders doing a Gypsy pole dance on a Ryder moving blanket. We let em out and the dogs treed em like a coon. Last we saw they were doing a judicial meeting up there on a squirrel they caught hiding his nuts.

  • blondie

    OCW, yes, they are directed to visit both DA'd and DF'd once a year with a few guidelines.

    September 2001 KM p 3


    he elders are reminded to follow through on instructions given on pages 21-3 of the April 15, 1991, Watchtower regarding any disfellowshipped or disassociated ones who may be inclined toward becoming reinstated.

    4/15/91 WT

    p. 23

    Once a year at most, the body of elders should consider whether there are such persons living in their territory. The elders would focus on those who have been expelled for over a year. According to the circumstances, if it is appropriate, they would assign two elders (hopefully ones familiar with the situation) to visit such an individual. No visit would be made on any who evidence a critical, dangerous attitude or who have made it known that they want no help.

    (But here's the kicker, the are supposed to call first. Yah, right!)

    The two shepherds could telephone to ask about making a brief visit, or they could stop by at a suitable time.

  • adrift

    I have been contacted for the purpose of finding out if I want to come back, only twice in the eighteen years that I have been free.

    The second time was about three years ago. This guy couldn't face me in person, he had to call me on the phone. I wonder how long it took him to work up his courage. I'm sure his fellow fools nominated him for the job as we were very close friends growing up. We used to share our most private thoughts with each other. A rare thing for dubs, especially between the sexes... Since I gained my freedom he hasn't seen fit to even look me in the face on those occasions when I pass him by as he is washing windows..... Too bad, I'm mostly a good person.

    Anywho, he is super friendly on the phone and as I began to understand the purpose for his call, I got reeaall pissed. I gave him a good tongue lashing, told him to never ever call me again, told him in my most sarcastic voice to "have a nice life", and slammed the phone down.

    Problem solved for good I'm sure.

  • kgfreeperson

    I know it is different, but I haven't seen a Witness at my door in years--at least since the early 90s. I can't think of any reason other than the territory isn't covered.

  • ballistic

    Yes, I've had the "annual" visit once in 8 years and they told me it was a "miracle" how they found my new address. I am listed here as a do-not-call, as all disfellowshipped persons are. At the time I had not found the internet and had no "material" but just discussed how it feels to be disfellowshipped and how it affected me. (a good enough "witness" on it's own merits I believe).

    I was actually glad to see them as who had become the "elder" was a close friend of mine many years ago. I don't mind admitting here that I miss certain people, it just so happens I was friends with someone who became an elder, and I'm sure he makes a good one as he would have made a good "anything", even if misled like the rest of us were.

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