A little history on the Bible

by gumby 55 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • drwtsn32
    It allows one to be free of moral responsibility to God, or any organisation claiming to represent him.

    Utter nonsense. Perhaps you feel that your morality is dependent on a superior being, but my morality is not. You do not need a god to have excellent morality.

    That line of reasoning is spewed by most religions... it's designed to make non religious people look selfish. Very WTS-esque.

  • pamkw

    Thanks for starting this thread gumby. This is one subject I have been really interested in. I am going to check out all the sites. I have always thought the Bible a little to confusing to really be from God.

    Thanks again.


  • zeena1998

    Admitedly, I am not conversant whatsoever in Bible history. All I really know is what I was taught in Catholic school and of that I have questioned alot. One line of thinking that I've entertained for years is that the Bible is not complete. Saw the movie Stigmata and thought the possibility of another gospel riviting. And just read the fiction book "The DaVinci Code" and thought it was marvellous!! It brings into focus a whole other line of thinking that is just wonderful!! It's way too dynamic to try and explain here but a definate must read that's based on true events and people as well as an author's wonderful imagination.

    K...this was a serious discussion about Bible history and I've just brought it to a level of movies and books...sheesh!

    ***zeena leaving the building now, blushing furiously***



  • Navigator

    hooberus speaks of the "church" as if was a unified thing. The truth is that it was spread out and very fractional. Books that were accepted in one area were not in others. One man's truth was another's heresy. It does seem apparent that the greek writers, although they may have had some common source material, didn't have a very good understanding of aramaic customs and culture. Some "idioms" were translated literally. Some were mistranslated completely. The section translated "easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man........" ignores the fact that the aramaic root word for "hemp" and camel are identical and should have been translated rope instead of camel.. In the wedding at Cana, they have the groom supplying the wine, whereas the custom was for the guests to supply the wine. The authorship of many of the books is highly questionable.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    I haven't read the entire Thread yet, but here is a very interesting Websites I thought everyone might want to check out:




  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Dansk said:

    The site you recommend is a typical Biblical apologist's site. It's hardly going to be unbiased with a title like 'Tekton - Building Blocks for the Christian Faith'. Please direct us to a non-apologist site that will back up your view that the New Testament Canon was inspired by God and that the books therein were written by the named "authors".

    Dansk, please direct me to a CHRISTIAN Website that backs up YOUR view of the Bible Canon, and that the Bible is NOT inspired of God.

    Every single Website out there is going to be at least a little bit "biased" toward what they believe already.

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