Is it me or are the Watchtower Publications disappearing ??????

by run dont walk 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    run don't walk ---------- I bet the attempts to change the arrangement and create more cash flow were unsuccessful so now the magazines and literature are being treated like gold . I definately want to get more info on this . If anyone has an official km or publication discussing the magazine placement regulations please post the latest WT articles .

  • metatron

    They dumped subs to save money. However, a few 'higher ups' in Bethel thought that dropping them would be an inducement

    to increase flagging meeting attendance to pick up your magazines. I suspect any magazine servant could tell them that

    nagging publishers to pick up your magazines is a well-established tradition. Some simply grab 'em and hand them to you

    even if you didn't go to the counter. They also hoped to increase other faked statistics by creating return visits and bible

    studies by publishers hand delivering magazines to subscribers in the field each month.


  • garybuss

    I'd like to see the business model this book publishing corporation doing business as a religion, is using. It must be one the business management textbooks don't know about. Their strategy seems to be: Be as dishonest as possible, piss as many people off as possible, identify the smartest people in the group and systematically see that they leave, mass produce literature for the public and then do everything imaginable to keep it from the public. Maybe some god is running the corporation . . . it sure doesn't seem like there are any humans running it anymore. If there are any humans running it they must be on anal retentive steroid overload. Gas Buss

  • heathen

    garybus----------- I couldn't have made it any clearer . lol One minute they are leaving the food from jehovah in toilets the next you have to crawl across a mile of broken glass to get one . Sounds like noahs ark is shutting the door . waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  • garybuss

    The Watch Tower Jan 1 1910


    We published 30,000 WATCH TOWERS every issue-- occasionally more. Some of these went out as "sample copies." Quite a large number went to "the Lord's Poor" --paid for out of a special fund. Altogether, we reckon that the profit on THE WATCH TOWER just about offsets the yearly loss on SCRIPTURE STUDIES, sold mostly to Colporteurs, and at a loss--counting foreign translations and "bad" accounts.

    Some of our old readers have taken offense that their names were stricken from our lists. We again assure them that they are welcome to this journal so long as it is published--regardless of the subscription fee. But they must ask for it. Either ask it free, paid for from the special fund, or ask it on credit, payable at convenience; even if that should mean never. If you never pay for it you will have it free. We are anxious that our lists contain the names of all in sympathy with THE WATCH TOWER'S teachings.

    We explain again that because our Government carries newspapers at such a very cheap rate, it now exercises a careful inspection of the lists of all publications to insure that no names continue on newspaper lists long after expiration.

    We still feel that our list of WATCH TOWER subscribers but poorly represents the total number of the interested. We ask the aid of all our readers to the desired end. All who feel profited by the reading of THE WATCH TOWER are requested to recommend it to others who have read the STUDIES, explaining to them our very liberal terms and our desire that it go to all the brethren regularly.


  • outoftheorg

    I think one of the reasons we do not see magazines in hospitals etc. as we did in the past, is to be blamed on us apostates.

    I use every oportunity to let people know what the wbts is all about. One day I was talking to the receptionist in the hospital clinic about the jw's and the wbts. My wife is a nurse at this hospital.

    My wife told me later that this receptionist is very kind to the jw's when they come to leave their magazines. But now she picks them up after they leave and puts them where they belong. In the trash.

    Little by little I and my wife have enlightened almost everyone there and they are astounded at what goes on in watchtower land. I happily bellieve that we are having an affect here and there.


  • sf
    I use every oportunity to let people know what the wbts is all about.

    If only more would. If only.

    I am so active I am considering becoming a fulltime 'pioneer' in 'the work'.

    I want to set up a booth and in it have wt literature and ALL of what 'we' have thusfar uncovered re: WTBTS/JW BOOK PUBLISHING EMPIRE.

    I'd like to have the internet set up at this booth too.

    Then when the people come over to ask "what is this all about?", I will EVERYTHING I need to show BOTH SIDES.

    This booth will be set up at:

    grocery stores, sporting events, county fair, street parades, possibly lobby of hospital, post office, community concerts, and other strategic places where lots of people are 'flowing'.

    There is so much more one can DO MORE! in their community, iff they really put their minds to it.

    Keep on truckin' rainbow! Don't 'cave in', ever! Remember, most want reform, not demise of their 'mother'. You can at least try to understand this. I don't, but I thought you might. [:p]

    sKally, DO MORE! klass

  • pamkw

    While my washing machine was on the outs, I had to go to the local laundrymat.Lots of publishers around here start or end their time putting old mags in the laundrymat. I used to go in and take them home with me so no one else would see them. I do not see as many English mags around here. But I always see the Spanish mags at the doctors office. The locals are making a big push to get the Spanish speaking people interested. I take those home too. I rip them up and slowly throw them in the can.

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