Something interesting

by TweetieBird 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • TweetieBird

    I stumbled across this and thought this was interesting. Page 17 is especially interesting.

  • Dansk

    What I'm going to show you is that they are all connected to the sun gods and Egypt. I could start with RA and it will lead us to the first Trinity concept based on Egyptian mythology from of ancient story of the so-called Virgin woman named ISIS who married her brother Osirus. There so-called sun god given child was named Horus. Eventually the woman and her son Horus took on the power of all Egypt, but you will see they went much further than Egypt. They remain today in ways that are blinding to most.

    What most people don't know today is that their spirits are still here in many forms just like the past. In fact the Catholic virgin Mary and Jesus you will see are not the same people the church thinks they are. But what is more interesting is who ISIS is now and who Horus is now. Basically the whole church and even the Governments are flooded with Egyptian stuff based on these three people.


    Yes, once one digs deep into the roots of Jewish and Christian religion it's amazing what one finds.


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