Watchtower Accused of Intellectual Dishonesty

by wannaexit 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • wannaexit

    Watchtower never learns.

    I applaud Dr. Singh for speaking out and his open letter to Watchtower

  • wannaexit

    Apologies there is already a tread dealing with this topic. How did I miss it

  • atheist_R_stupid


    educate yourself. You people say that its the jws that 'blindly follow". do ANY of you ever look up ANYTHING on your own? the article shows he comments ALL THROUGH IT that scientists debate scientist in evolution meirts. HE DISAGREES THAT THEY SHOULD BE DEBATING and feels that the reason they do is because the others 'dont understand' like he does. but hey...what atheist doesnt say THAT stupid claim?

  • wannaexit
    I read the article-- regardless watchtower misquoted him-- and that is intellectual dishonesty
  • blondie
  • TerryWalstrom

    Intellectual honesty is the willingness to be wrong when evidence disproves your opinion or belief.

    Intellectual dishonesty is unwillingness to allow complete evidence to come to light.

    The dark, dark pathway is the road taken by the GB and their feckless writing staff.



    1) You sound like a douche. 

    2) What Terry said. 


  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Those close minded dummies who miss quoted Dr Singh are not only intellectually dishonest, they also think Higher Education is a tool of Satan to lure people away from their sock puppet and mascot God Jehovah. And that ain't all they got a string higher ups/GBs/Ceos telling them to write this crap in order for the Corporation to make money off of the fools that buy into their delusion about being God's Earthly Organization.

    Anyway that's enough said to show how clueless these writers for the WT corporation really are.

    But isn't their a collection of misquotes from the WT corporations printed material some where on the internet for all to see to show how chronically this printing corporation been in their intellectual dishonesty which seems to hold no limits. They are also in total denial and will grasp at straws to save their dying delusion of being some how special.

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    You know, as much as I wanna see Watchtower burn, this isn't making sense to me. 

    The comment made by the doc is, "The opposition to evolution goes beyond religions fundamentalism and includes a great many people from educated sections of the population, including biologists, nonbiologists, and the lay public."

    That at is the entire sentence. In fact, the point he is making here is that there are people educated on the subject who still don't accept it - that is his point. 

    Now, if you read the watchtowers content - while I agree that it does indeed incorporate the same ole brainwashing garbage to influence the reader, their point was solely that there are those of both lay people and educated who can't agree on evolution. That's the entire point. 

    Regardless of the goal being aimed for in establishment of this fact, both the doc and the awake were, in fact, making the same point. This particular section of the watchtower has no other purpose than to establish this point. The doc might not agree with them using this statement of fact from his own article, but unfortunately they did nothin wrong. TECHNICALLY. 

    i do do agree with you all that this is shady, but you all must know by now that the watchtower does everything they do while maintaining plausible deniability. All they will say is exactly what I've said here. 

  • AudeSapere

    Brokeback Watchtower asked: But isn't their a collection of misquotes from the WT corporations printed material some where on the internet for all to see to show how chronically this printing corporation been in their intellectual dishonesty which seems to hold no limits.

    Here are links to some old JWD/N threads:


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