seat belt laws !!!!!!! argh!!!!

by heathen 47 Replies latest social current

  • sandy


    Just put your freakin' seat belt on!!! Now sit back and enjoy the ride.

    It is not a problem if you make it a habit. I do not let anyone drive in my car without a seatbelt either.

  • undercover

    If they're worried about safety, why not a roll cage and 6 point racing harness in all cars? Why not ban motorcycles?

    I believe in choice when it comes to seat belts and in particular, helmets. For being a "free country", we sure don't have a choice in a lot of things.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    I was in a head-on car accident 2 1/2 years ago. Me and my children in a little Toyota. The other guy in a mid-eighties Ford pickup. Me doing 50 mph. The Ford attempts to make a left turn right in front of me (claims he didn't see me).

    I didn't even have time to apply the brakes.


    I was injured the worse with a lacerated knee and a broken foot. My daughter had a few scrapes and bruises. My son, five at the time, who was in a carseat, only had one tiny little mark on his chin.

    Anyone want to speculate on the outcome had we NOT been wearing seat belts?

    I find it absurd that people actually expend energy to whine about wearing seat belts.

    And when I see kids riding in cars without being secured in a seat belt I want to smack the creep moron driver!


  • Shakita
    And when I see kids riding in cars without being secured in a seat belt I want to smack the creep moron driver!

    Me, too.

    Not only did my daughter escape death because of wearing her seatbelt, but my mother-in-law's baby brother was killed (a long time ago before seat belts were ever in cars!) when the car they were riding in hit another and my mother-in-law (a small child then) flew from the back seat into the front seat, and when her mother tried to stop her from flying through the window.....she let go of her baby boy in her lap and he was thrown into the windshield and killed instantly. Very sad.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I never move the car without a seatbelt and when my girls were small it was seat belts or park. They learned.

    I too have heard too many horror stories of people in accidents with no seat belts

    An aside to this - the other day I was driving (seat belt on as usual) and came up to a woman who had her dog hanging over her shoulder with his head out the window. The dog's hind legs were in her lap!!! What is wrong with people? Doesn't she realize that if she has to slam on her brakes her precious pet is going to go one of 2 ways. out the window and possible in the path of another car or into her steering wheel, which just might impede her steering.

    Years ago in Canada people used to ride with a child on their lap. I had a friend when I was a kid. His father was a taxi diver. He got hit one day and (no seat belts back then) the steering wheel cut him in half. What the heck do you think it would do to a child or pet.

    People here buckle up or pay the fine. It is strict. But people should buckle up their pets too. I saw one dog riding in the back of a pick-up. Running around the front or back seats. It is crazy. They have pet seat belts folks. Use them! Keep your beloved pet safe

  • drwtsn32

    You know, not wearing a seat belt can endanger OTHER people's lives... not just your own. If you are not wearing a seat belt in the back seat and get into a collision, you can fly forward and break the person's neck that's sitting in front of you.

    What's the problem with seat belts? If you wear them all the time it becomes habit and you don't even notice it.

    What's sad is that they have to make a law for something that should be common sense.

  • rocketman

    I always buckle up, and after a while you get used to it and it's like a part of your body. They are a life-saver and should be worn at all times. I'm all for laws regarding them too.

  • SheilaM

    I always buckle up so do my kids in fact saved my daugters life before, Thunders in his wreck and in mine I would have gone through the windshield Im sure.

    (These were all cause by OTHERS not us)

  • hippikon

    I don't think It's a good idea to fine people for not wearing seat belts - The should reward you if you are!

    What seems to be the problem officer

    No problem - I just noticed you were wearing your seat belt.

    (scribble scribble scribble)

    Here's a cheque for $80

    Thank you officer - I won't forget to not wear it again

  • nilfun
    Anyone else with those fond memories?

    Yes! No car seats, no seat belts, baby in Mom's lap, if your car was a big enough bomb, you could lie down on the "back dash" under the rear window. Boy, we were l-u-c-k-y to have not been injured/killed in an auto accident.

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