New light question

by yxl1 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • shotgun

    Here are a couple of good quotes:

    *** w52 7/15 p. 430 ‘Keeping Strict Watch on How We Walk’ *** Some, seeking to find justification for their careless conduct, point to the mistakes that faithful men of old made, such as Noah, David and others. But these overlook the fact there is nothing to indicate that those servants of God repeatedly erred in these respects.
    *** w68 2/15 p. 103 Mary Is Not the Mother of God ***

    Why be afraid to consider its testimony? As God’s inspired Word, the Bible is the truth, and the truth can never mislead you.

    *** w51 5/1 p. 275 “Subjection to the Superior Authorities” ***

    As in former times, so now the most fervent apostles and high priests of this shackle-binding dogma have been and are the clergy of both the Eastern and Western blocs of Christendom. These lettered men of theology try to prove their point by citing certain texts from the Bible. For example, they point to the ancient pagan rulers, Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus, saying Jehovah made them kings over Babylon and Persia . (Dan. 2:37, 38; 5:18, 19; Jer. 27:5-13, 17; 2 Chron. 36:22, 23, AS; Ezra 1:1, 2) ‘Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s,’ the clergy chirp parrotlike, and ‘let everyone be subject to the higher powers’. (Matt. 22:21; Rom. 13:1) But, lacking understanding, these modern-day Pharisees have misapplied the Scriptures.

    If we called the worldly religious rulers Pharisees for teaching the higher powers were the earthly governments does that mean the Gov Body became Pharisees when they re-adopted this belief in 1963?

    *** re chap. 44 p. 317 Revelation and You ***Concerning the annointed

    After their death as humans, they gain entrance into New Jerusalem by resurrection. The 12 angels allow them in, while keeping out any who practice lies or uncleanness though claiming to have a heavenly hope

  • JT
    and a fair amount of ammo

    my advice to you would be to LEAVE YOUR M-I-L alone-

    you have tested the water and you see she refuses to drink- as you mentioned she was riding with you and your wife out somewhere-

    unless you don't care what she does in terms of cutting you and your wife off then BLOW HER OUT OF THE WATER

    but i would highly suggest to leave her alone,

    one of the CONSTANT THINGS that many of us see here on the net is the attempt of former jw to twist folks arms and shove info down the throat of family/friends

    and in almost every case the result are not what one is hoping for-

    she has shown you her "Hand" the question is how will you deal with it- i suggest leave her alone at least for now , in fact let her bring up the subject-

    the mere fact that your mother responded the way she did shows the Powerful impact that wt has over her

    i suggest that you read this link - it makes some interestig points about why folks who have beliefs that are CLEARLY WRONG still insist on holding on to them


    For those of you interested in why your rational arguments and reasoning, in addition to well documented information do little to sway the beliefs of true believers (family, friends, and loved ones), the reason as offered in the following article is survival.

    Offered humbly for your perusal,

  • yxl1

    JT, I know you're right. I've been deliberately avoiding these topics with my MIL for the last 10 years. This woman is the typical elders wife where arrogance is one of her better qualities. All this time I've kept quiet for my wife’s sake. Now she is starting on my kids and I am not going to allow this. She'll tell my children they're wrong for celebrating birthdays/xmas/easter etc (They're 5 and 3). She bought them the new WTS kiddies book, and when she baby-sits for them on a Saturday-night/Sunday morning, she is getting them to comment during the WT study, and I recently discovered she has taken them to a Witness BBQ/party WITHOUT OUR CONSENT. She's hinted that she will refuse to baby-sit her grandkids if they are not allowed to attend the meetings while in her care. These are a few of thousands of examples I could give you. Before reading your post, I was ready to go full throttle and tell her what I think about her and the Society. Unfortunately, there are other members of my wife’s family who are still JW's and my wife and kids are very close to them. I will give the matter a lot more thought before next opening my mouth. However, if or when I meet her again, I just don’t know how much longer I can restrain myself

    Again, thanks for the advice thanks for listening and I assure you, your comments haven’t fallen on deaf ears.



    hooberus wrote:

    You might try discussing flip-flops. A flip flop occurs when the Watchtower changes their teachings to something different. Then later changes back to the old doctrine. for example:

    Watchtower Teaching on the resurrection of the men of

    1. will be resurrected

    2. will not be resurrected

    3. will be resurrected

    4. will not be resurrected

    I like this reasoning, hoob......sounds like unstable belief to me....nothing to do with NewLightTM!!!!!!

    Love it!!!


  • jgnat

    yxl1, there is one other thing to consider, and that is the disrespect she is showing you as parents. A grandparent should NEVER take children to an event that has not been pre-approved by the parents. That cannot continue. That issue, above all the others, has to be communicated to your MIL.

  • Panda

    jgnat that was good advice.

    The MIL should be reminded that you are the head of your family. That even she (as a woman) is subject to you. That by blatantly putting your desires for your children aside she is disrespecting you. There's no way you'll convince her that she's wrong. Remember JW's are taught that they are special because they have the truth. Obviously, you are not special enough.

    You also might mention to her that if your children are sodomized or raped by some JW while at a bbq or meeting she will be responsible (blood guilty) for the rest of her life, does she want that? Perhaps even the courts would find her guilty since she has specifically been told NOT to take your children to those get- togethers. How about waiting until they are at the age of 11 or 12 then take them to a meeting. That way they'll be old enough to tell you they don't want to go to that boring KH.

    I never talked to my elder/ husband about the falsehood of WTS. He eventually asked me questions and read Crisis. He gradually stopped attending meetings, quit eldering and became a whole man, the one I originally married. So I think everyone needs to find out for themselves how horribly they've been duped. Only then does the new light falicy really explode. Kaaboom

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