The Perils of Astrology

by Stephanus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    yes, i am going through a crisis...well, for a long while now, i have been reading forecasts for my sun sign (virgo) and my rising sign (pisces, 26 degrees). I thought they were quite relevant to what i was going through, especially the pisces one...only to find out yesterday that during all that time, i should have read the aries forecast as my ascendant is at 26 degrees.
    needless to say, i do feel very silly about the whole thing. i don't think i have any aries 'traits' at all, believe me, and how could i have related to forecasts and actually find them accurate when they were not corresponding to my transits. I feel very stupid. should i just give astrology up?? (as i don't believe in the 'whatever forecast works for you' thing...)

    please tell me what you think, i am a tiny bit lost...



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    Remind you of other "true believers"?

  • Prisca

    HAHAHAHA.... I've read forecasts that were spot-on for me - but were not the star sign I'm supposed to be (Libra, if anyone is wondering).

  • QCA1

    Hi Stephanus

    First, may i ask if you have had a birth chart drawn up by an Astrologer ?If not seek one out who is recommended.

    Astrology is a tool for self knowledge and growth and believe me it is worth sticking with, read as much as you can on the subject there are plenty of books out there,you will get a little something from your sun sign but it does not tell the whole story, indepth astrology is the place to be.

    I have just had a new grandchild born whose parents are witnesses,and i have had his birth chart done, has i have all my childrens charts and grandchildrens,it has helped me understand them more and the path that they will take and why. Never could i interfer with that and i wouldn't want. Understood and put into practise for the self and the spirit is both interesting and exciting.

    I quess what i am saying to you is keep on with Astrology,i could go on and on here because i have lots to say about what it has done for me and my family and i may bore you all.

    As for Planets in transit Pluto is in Sagittarius about 18 degrees and has another 10 or so years left in that sign, Sagittarius is the natural sign of the 9th house which comes under Religion,higher knowledge and travel be it with the mind or the earth. Pluto in Myth ruled the underworld also the subconscious mind,when Pluto first moved into this 9th house sign Religion came under fire and child abuse within those ranks was uncovered,Pluto uncovers deceit and lies in which ever house in the zodiac it touches,and if organized religion does not come clean in whatever situation it will crumble.

    Take a look at amazon for reading material on Astrology. You can email me if you wish.


  • SpannerintheWorks

    Hi, QCA1,

    Astrology is a tool for self knowledge and growth and believe me it is worth sticking with

    Please provide non-subjective evidence to support your claim. If you believe it (astrology) to be true, it will not be in the least bit difficult.


  • AlanF

    According to Carl Sagan, one of the greatest astrologers of all time, astrology works by gravity.


  • Mutz

    As someone who has been 'into' Astronomy for a long time I can honestly say that Astrology is a steaming pile of divination! :)

  • rem
    Astrology is a tool for self knowledge and growth and believe me it is worth sticking with, read as much as you can on the subject there are plenty of books out there,you will get a little something from your sun sign but it does not tell the whole story, indepth astrology is the place to be.

    It's pretty clear that this person has not done much, if any, scientific research on astrology.


  • SpannerintheWorks

    Sorry to disagree with you (and therefore Mr. Sagan), Alan, but is it not true (or illogical) to say that: "astrology"

    works by gravity.

    ...For (amonst other reasons) your statement does not quite make a logical sentence. Or is that Mr. Sagan's conclusion?


  • rem


    I think Alan is agreeing with you. It's kinda a joke.


  • SpannerintheWorks


    I was just "ruminating"...!

    I know Alan is steadfast that astrology is a pile of S**T!

    I was prolonging the joke!


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