Update on dad's E-mail blockage...

by jws 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • jws

    A couple of months ago I wrote about my father not getting my e-mails and wondering if I was being sabotaged by his wife. I had suspected she may be deleting my e-mails and not telling my dad about them. See here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/51907/1.ashx

    Since then, they had somebody over from the Hall to help them and discovered several of my e-mails in the Deleted Items folder. The reason given is she must have double clicked on something and accidentally deleted them, but the problem still didn't resolve itself.

    Last weekend I was back in town and checked their e-mail. Turns out my e-mail address was in the "Blocked Senders List". If you're on this list, your e-mails arrive, but are automatically moved over to the Deleted Items folder. Along with my e-mail address was my disassociated neice and my dad's wife's sister. I don't know her and whether she is/was ever a JW. I know his wife has a neice that somebody doesn't want her to talk to. So, it's possible this is the neice's mother and she could be ex-JW or at least anti-JW.

    If she's doing this on purpose, she sure seems to hide it well. She's saying it must have happened by accident. I can't find any hotkeys (like, CONTROL-B or F9, etc) where you can set it easily with a simple set of keystrokes. The easiest way to block a sender appears to be to click on the Message menu, then on "Block Sender" while my message is on the screen. Or to go into the blocked senders screen and manually add it. The "Block Sender" choice is on the same menu as other things like reply and forward. So, it *could* happen, but....

    I wouldn't put it past her to decide that the Society doesn't think they should have anything to do with me and block my e-mail. Maybe they were warned to not accept e-mail from apostates, possibly even given instructions on how to block users. But without help, I don't credit her with knowing that she could even do that or how. And she seemed concerned with figuring out why they couldn't get my e-mails. I think she even suggested I go look at their computer. So, I sorta believe her, but I just can't see the blocking happening by accident. And coincidentally at least 2 of the 3 people on the block list are ex-JWs. Me, the apostate (though not DF/DA) and my neice who DA'ed herself. The two of us are the ones in the family who e-mail my dad the most with family news. So, if an accident is going to happen with accidentally blocking somebody, the more e-mails, the more likely. But they have JW friends who e-mail them even more often than we do and they aren't "accidentally" blocked.

    On the other hand, they welcome me to their home. I call my father every week for at least an hour. If they intended to block me, why not start there? Maybe they were only warned about e-mail.

    The other thought I had is that some JW came over and did it for them. They aren't very computer literate and usually ask other JWs over to help them out. For instance, every so often they'll have trouble logging in or forget how to retreive their e-mail and somebody from the hall will come over to show them. Question being, if some JW came over and blocked these 3 people, did he do it because he knew us and decided to take matters into his own hands? Did he suggest it to them and they OKed it? Or did they ask him to block us?

    Any of you use Outlook Express? Any thoughts or insights? Accident? Intentional? Any "how to block email" flyers floating around Kingdumb Halls?

    Any way to defeat this? Anybody know the file that holds this? Could I make it read-only and prevent it from being changed?

  • caligirl

    Though by no means any kind of expert in computers, I know of no way that this could happen accidentally with outlook. Someone has to deliberately set it to sort that way by going through several steps. Since you have a working relationship with them outside of email, and that they are not particularly computer literate, I would lean towards one of their "friends" having tampered with it. Doesn't make much sense otherwise.

  • wednesday

    she is blocking u, and lieing, theocaratic warfare. Tell our dad u send e-mmails and are being blocked.If he knows u are sending them, maybe he'll watch for them and she won't be able to easliy do this.

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