Email from Dick Cheney..BARF!!!

by Aztec 28 Replies latest social current

  • Aztec
    I would have proof that the dems are prostitutes, just as the republicans are

    No argument from me teenyuck. I completly agree.

    I did a cut & paste of the link. It's real

    Of course it's real Jayson. Email links that are pasted into here don't work. Anyone who's tried to use the porn one in one of my above posts could probably confirm that..LOL.


  • funkyderek
    No expat, I didn't vote for Gore. I voted for Nader. At least my conscience is clear.

    Really? Hasn't it occurred to you that if it hadn't been for people voting for Nader, Bush wouldn't have won the election?

  • Aztec

    No funky because even though Gore won the popular vote he isn't sitting in the white house. No matter, I don't think he would've done a much better job than Bush. I always vote my conscience.


  • Jayson
    Gore won the popular vote he isn't sitting in the white house. No matter, I don't think he would've done a much better job than Bush. I always vote my conscience. -Az

    Good for you.

    Hasn't it occurred to you that if it hadn't been for people voting for Nader, Bush wouldn't have won the election?-Funk

    If you don't count the military votes Bush would have only won Fl. by a few hundred votes.Should people not be allowed to vote outside of the 2 party lines? I'm a registered independent. Do I need a party line? (I think not) In the words of Larry Elders, "Republicans or Democrates, a dime a dozen."

    Bush is popular with a majority of Americans, in a way maybe more so than any other President. (Although it is sliding) It will be intresting what he does with it in his next term. So far it has caused division everywhere. The thing is a choice is going to have to be made. Is the US going to try to work with old "allies" and try to smooth over bruised pride going back to the way things were. (Is that possible?) Or, is America going to seek new "friends" based on mutual ideology? (If America's new stance has backbone and we don't fold on all that has been done.) I find we are in interesting times indeed.-Jayson
  • czarofmischief

    Besides, the whole point of democracy is to vote for who you want, not to prevent others from getting in.

    As Nader said, "I feel Gore cost me the election, especially in Florida."

    And Gore wouldn't have done anything about Al-Qaeda, he'd have fired a missile at some aspirin factory and then gone back to bed with the Chinese.


  • Aztec
    As Nader said, "I feel Gore cost me the election, especially in Florida."

    That's a great quote Czar! Now if only we can get the American people to be more responsive to third party candidates... Like that'll ever happen.

    Jayson, I think it was Michael Moore who called them Republicrats..LOL!


  • Realist


    No expat, I didn't vote for Gore. I voted for Nader. At least my conscience is clear.

    let me say that i think its great that people like you voted for nader!!! i would have too. he is a good and (i think) really honest man and besides that - without having a viable 3rd party the whole system remains a pseudo democracy ruled solely by the large cooperations and a couple of other groups like these nutty christians or jewish organizations.

  • Aztec
    without having a viable 3rd party the whole system remains a pseudo democracy ruled solely by the large cooperations and a couple of other groups like these nutty christians or jewish organizations.

    Realist, exactly! There are several viable third parties but they've only made small inroads thus far. Give it time...


  • Realist


    exactly! the hope dies last!!!

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