JW current stance on Vaccines?

by lcarter017 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    The Borg still have not done the long expected U turn to go to any building project or theocratic schools you have to remain fully vaccinated.

    the question is now what if it’s been a long time since your last booster?

    what if they still haven’t done the U turn in several years time how long could it have been since your last booster to remain fully vaccinated?

    ‘in the world’ nobody is still taking these shots, it’s only JWs until they do the U turn.

    you still can’t make cakes or provide refreshments or even do security shifts for pioneer school unless you remain fully vaccinated

  • LV101

    ExBeth - I absolutely don't care what you think nor your question re/boosters. Maybe JWs should have been more circumspect re/demands of WT in the first place.

  • Fisherman

    I was wondering if blood is used in the manufacture of vaccines. Not that blood has to be an ingredient such as in Rabies Vaccine but when making the vaccine do they use any blood in the process? How about it TD?

  • TD

    Most of the inactivated and live-attenuated vaccines contain small amounts of serum albumin either as an adjuvant or excipient. Examples would include MMR II, MUMPSVAX, ATTENUVAX, MURAVAX II, VARIVAX and VAQTA, by Merck & Co., EOLARIX, INFANRIX, and GLAXO by SmithKline Beecham, PENTACEL by Aventis Pasteur, and Connaught Laboratories IPV.

    JW's do not consider albumin to be a "primary component" of blood and JW parents don't seem to be troubled by it, if they think about it at all.
  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    All we know is the Bible says abstain from blood. And things strangled because it’s harder to get the blood out then.

    where do you draw the line I mean all meat has some blood left in it.

    where does this four primary components of blood come from? Everything else is ok according the GB?

    we know these vaccines have aborted feral cells in them, this is ok for JWs to have injected into them but not one of the four primary components of blood?

  • LongHairGal

    If I were still in the religion (which thankfully I’m not) the Witnesses would have yet another reason to dislike me: I never got the coronavirus vaccine.

    I know of a couple of JWs who regret having been talked into getting it.

  • Fisherman


    Understood that the final vaccine might contain small amounts of blood —which is allowed by JW and consumed. But my question is, to produce the final vaccine, are they working with gallons of whole blood to make any vaccine.

    For example, if thousands of gallons of blood from slaughtered chickens or rabbits or cows were collected to make vaccines or other products, a JW could not do that seems to me. But consuming a final product made from tons of blood but only containing a fraction of blood is not JW proscribed outright.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    That’s always been interesting to me what Fisherman here says. Back in the day, any blood parts in any product was a big no-no, that has been changed since as they were facing many lawsuits about dead children. I remember the time when we were given pieces of paper at the service meetings that we then had to glue in our books (Everlasting Life I believe was the ‘study’ book, it was a marbled red) and the blood brochures and we all got the new blood cards when that changed.

    mRNA and some other vaccines are developed however with the assistance of aborted babies’ stem cells, which (strict) Catholics and various Evangelical groups won’t accept but JW leaves it open to interpretation.

  • TD

    I guess it depends on how you look at it. An automobile contains about 3 grams of platinum, mostly in the catalytic converter, but since the automaker is not in the business of mining metals, refining them, brokering them, or even necessarily manufacturing their own catalytic converters and spark plugs, you can't honestly say that large amounts of platinum were handled in the production of a car.

    Similarly, a pharmaceutical company is not in the business of slaughtering animals or collecting blood donations, or even necessarily manufacturing their growth mediums and/or other vaccine components, so you can't honestly say that large amounts of blood are used in the production of an inactivated or live-attenuated vaccine.

    The situation changes with post-exposure vaccines that contain gamma globulin, but even then, I don't think JW's have a problem with it (?)

  • TD

    mRNA and some other vaccines are developed however with the assistance of aborted babies’ stem cells, which (strict) Catholics and various Evangelical groups won’t accept but JW leaves it open to interpretation.

    Yes. We can add Rubella, Varicella, Hepatitus A and Rabies to the list, but to be fair, we're talking about lineages that are 30 to 60 years old.

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