Senator Suggests Burying Terrorists with Pig Parts

by ashitaka 17 Replies latest social current

  • czarofmischief

    The muslim world, or parts of it, is at war with the West. They use religion to get their boys to kill us. If we can nullify the religion, we can begin to win the war.

    Pig parts sounds like a good idea. I had no idea they took that phobia so seriously! Let's do it.

    Also, we should nuke Mecca in the middle of the hajj, thus demonstrating that Allah has no power or interest in his followers.


  • neyank

    Ok Hamas.

    Until I can find the article that states the percentage of Muslim terrorists to other groups I'll have to reword this statement:

    "the facts are that most terrorist groups are from Muslim countries"

    Let me make a minor adjustment.

    The facts are that a LARGE percentage of terrorist groups are from Muslim countries.

    OK? :-)


    As soon as I find the article, I'm going to change that statement back.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    have them be repeadely raped by trained mules.

    1. the methods used to train those mules conjures up so many unwanted images....

    2. what did the poor mules ever do ....

    Re: Terrorists

    They deserve the worst this life has to offer

  • Hamas
    we should nuke Mecca in the middle of the hajj,

    Are you having a laugh ?

    Yeah, that will really sort things out. Then you WILL be at war with Islam ; have you no idead of the serious repocussions this will have for everybody ?!? I can only think that you are messing around with a comment like this man.

  • ashitaka

    I think that the pigs blood idea would have no effect on the terrorists. They're willing to die no matter what. Then it would really become a war of Islam vs. the Western world. Even though much of Islam hates America now, at least most of them aren't trying to kill us, just a very small percentage.


  • jws

    First off, somebody in this article seems to be saying that this premise is false. That being covered in pig parts, being shot by bullets dipped in pigs blood, or being buried with pig parts does not affect one's afterlife (according to Muslim faith).

    Any muslims? Is this true or not?

    As for terrorists, assuming this is true, I don't have a problem with that. If somebody is willing to commit a horrible crime against innocents, what do I care if their beliefs are violated? It's not like you're saying we should do this to all muslims, only those committing crimes. And if they're catholic terrorists, refuse them their last rites or whatever would make Catholics think they go to hell. If a message is sent that a terrorist action will damn somebody to hell, maybe that will reduce it.

    On the other hand, the whole die and get 70 virgins thing has been debated and I don't know whether it's true. It's easy to tell the Americans that people killed themselves and others for some fundamentalist belief that they don't understand and sounds silly to them. When in fact, these people may have had strong beliefs about our foreign policy and about things we do to manipulate the middle-east region. If it's not fundie beliefs, then people start to ask what is the US doing to piss off these people and those are the questions they don't want asked and answered. And much of it seems to involve our support for Israel.

    What's at the heart of that anyway? Sure, they're our allies, but we spend a whole bunch of money on them. Why do we care so much about them? What do they export to us? How much do they buy from us? Right now we give them 3 billion in aid per year. 2 billion of which they use to buy military equipment. They are already the top and most advanced military power in the region. Why do they need our aid and why do we give it? Are there some fundamentalist religious beliefs tied to our relationship? Do we get to go to heaven because we help "God's chosen people"? I'm not suggesting turning against them. But wondering why we are so interested in them.

  • Hamas
    If somebody is willing to commit a horrible crime against innocents, what do I care if their beliefs are violated?

    Well said.

    I don't think that anywhere in the Qu'ran states that you are held responsible for your body even after you die. I think that the belief is that Allah will judge those that disfigure the body with pig blood etc afterward.

    However, threats like this are only going to agrivate the situation further. It is only going to get highly sensitive fundamental nutters more fundamental.

    It is not a good idea.

  • Simon

    I think idiotic sensationalist headline grabbing drivel like this does little to prevent attacks and just angers the type of people who are likely to carry them out.

    ''This is just a sad commentary on the ignorance of people who are entrusted to represent Americans, that they would pass around such offensive, distasteful, and slanderous garbage to members of an esteemed body such as the Massachusetts Senate,'' Tayeh said.


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