The Bishop of Carlisle- where have you heard this before?

by petespal2002 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • petespal2002

    In our local evening paper the Bishop of Carlisle was quoted as saying that homosexual acts, anal and oral sex and sex outside of marriage are signs of demon posession and proof positive of demon activity in the world. He also said that miscarrages can bring demons into the world, as can abortions, those with mental illnesses or longstanding medical conditions that don't respond well to treatment could be possesed of a spirit, as could those who constantly wear black or repeatedly buy black cars. I was reminded of those told by christian elders that they may havr allowed Satan in due to some activity or occurence of depression.

  • Yerusalyim

    Care to reference this for us?

  • Earnest

    The Bishop of Carlisle was one of nine bishops who wrote an open letter dated June 16 concerning the appointment of a homosexual as Bishop of Reading in which they said:

    The Church's understanding of scripture and of long-standing tradition is that the proper place for sexual relationships is within marriage. This is based on the order of Creation where men and women are seen as complementary. Sexual intercourse, within the life-long relationship of marriage, is the sign and beautiful expression of that union. Intercourse outside marriage undermines the power of that sign.

    In an interview on BBC's Newsnight he was more forthright in saying:

    Obviously the penis belongs to the vagina, that is something fundamental to the way God has made us.
  • Albatross
    Obviously the penis belongs to the vagina, that is something fundamental to the way God has made us.

    I agree with this gentleman, the vagina should be put on like an overcoat.


  • ignored_one
    I agree with this gentleman, the vagina should be put on like an overcoat.

    I thought they were meant to be eaten?

    Ignored One.

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