When You Were A Witness Did You Believe Everything Taught?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I still believe the Witnesses have the truth - lol

    Deary me, where to start? XD

  • Phizzy

    Born in, but from a very young age could not swallow all the crap. I did believe far too much of it for too long of course, or I would have woken up far earlier in life.

    But certainly from my early teen years i was questioning, and did not accept a lot of what they spewed out.

    I was pleased, but maybe cursed, to join a Congregation that contained a good number of rebel Spirits when I was 20. WE , the Rebels, used to question everything that struck us as a bit off, not just in teachings but in the Rules about Practice too.

    When I joined the Congo. no Bro wore Tie when on the platform ! This independent attitude continued for a good number of years, hence i did not wake up, the seeming freedom of my new Congo keeping me content to remain.

    But from the age of ten or so, I never believed it all. I was amazed when I came across some who did !

  • Rattigan350

    Minimus, Witnesses have the truth about the condition of the dead and who go to heaven and why. The truth about God and his son. The truth about living well and good lives.

    They don't say anything about birthdays. The interesting thing is that now, plantation parties are considered bad because of what happened 200 years ago on plantations; so why aren't birthday parties considered bad because of bad things happening at them in the past?

    Yes, we can pick and choose what we can do. We can believe bible truths regardless of the organization.

  • minimus

    Only 144000 go to heaven? Really??

    You pick and choose what you want to believe and then proclaim that the JWs have the Truth. You can’t take blood. Witnesses died from this rule. If they wanted to take a fraction of blood they couldn’t. Either die or get disfellowshipped. Then they changed their minds and a New Truth. You can’t have it both ways. Either it was truth or it wasn’t.

    Superior authorities were taught as Truth that it applied to governments. Then the Truth changed. The New Truth is it’s Jehovah God and Christ. Oops, not the Truth. It’s back to Old Truth being Renewed Truth and it applies to governments.

    If you can fairly apply just a little logic to what you think is the Truth, you will see it is not Truth. If you can’t see the obvious, you are in a cult and you can’t see the forest through the trees. Sad.

  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence

    I'm not sure that I really believed EVERYTHING, but in general, I thought it was the truth. I ignored many red flags for years, until the "overlapping generations".

  • minimus

    There is usually some thing that hits us and we say we have had enough. It’s often a cumulative effect.

  • Overrated

    The things I could not understand I was told to wait on Gee-hober. Wait and wait and wait, waiting for answers, crickets! Then I Googled! Found more answers to JW's that led to more questions that they do not want to answer or entertain.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Sadly, I did.

    Hook. Line. And sinker.

    Even managed to convince myself the 1995 generation New Lite was "reasonable".

  • minimus

    It’s lot of mental gymnastics. You find yourself trying to convince yourself why you should just “wait” on Jehovah. In other words bury it.

  • Vidiot
    minimus - "When you were a Witness did you believe everything taught?"

    Tried to.

    More like "accepted", though.

    But even that got harder and harder as time went on.

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