WT HQ is never proactive, they are reactive to everything put out showing their blatant hypocrisy and abject stupidity

by WingCommander 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander

    A few on here (and of course many on the Ex-JW Reddit forum) have mentioned that WT HQ just recently (like in the past couple months) put out a video warning against the praising of JW actors, taking photos with them, etc. To not do it anymore. It was narrated by Geoffrey Jackson.

    Why the backpedaling after years of videos showing them basically being worshiped and celebrated when they'd arrive at International Conventions, Assemblies, etc with greeting lines, photo lines, green handshakes, etc?

    The answer is simple, and I've been saying this for a long time now. This Org is completely on the defensive. Every single thing they put out for consumption by the rank-n-file Sheeple is completely reactionary. They are never PRO-active, they are RE-active. Ex-members were pointing out this blatant idolatry to their still PIMI friends and family, and it finally got back to the WT HQ how it looked, and hence the warning against it. (all in the name of humility of course. lol)

    Basically, their IT trolls who comb thru these forums compiling the grievances of the ex-members put forth a list to them of the top stuff ex-members are bringing to the forefront of the public and PIMQ members.

    So, in response, we have the following changes, almost directly in response to former (and still in) members "murmuring":

    1. TOMO 3 tossed out on his ass after "BottleGate" and many, MANY other public displays of arrogance and drunkenness. (including at WT HQ)

    2. Dress and Grooming. Beards and slacks for women now allowed, ties and suits not even necessary, no more dressing like 1950's vacuum salesman.

    3. Loosening of how to treat / greet DF'd ones. Yes, gotta at least treat these ones as human in hopes of gaining them back because their money is just as good as any "adherent" in good standing.

    4. Jesus video series. Gotta at least give the IMPRESSION of giving Jesus the lip service treatment, even though we all know The Governing Body is running this show. By putting out this series, they can still at least claim to be "Christian" while selling off Kingdom Halls and raking in profits on real estate and Investment Portfolios and Hedge Funds.

    5. Notice how Robert Hendricks got "the boot" from the Public Information Department (PID) (for having an affair, lol) and we haven't heard a peep about his replacement? Notice how all that BS got shut down and we don't see jack shit from them? Recently, a letter from WT HQ went around to even the Convention Committee's basically shutting down all public statements, etc. The message from WT HQ: "STFU! You're making us look bad!" It's true.....every time Hendricks or one of his clowns opened their mouths, it gave the ex-JW movement more ammunition. Better to say nothing and appear impotent, than open your mouth and appear the fool. SPOILER ALERT: They're both.

    What will the future hold? My guess: Birthdays first, and then possibly light holidays like Thanksgiving and (gasp!) then even Christmas, as long as no one is going overboard. Eventually..........everyone gets a Heavenly Hope......144,000 will be "figurative" just like Christendom. Don't worry, The Governing Body will always be in charge as "The Faithful and Discreet Slave."

    It's a whole new cult everyone........buckle up! GB 3.0 is at the helm of this ship, so you pee-on's just keep "shoveling the coal" and listening, OBEYING, and of course - DONATING!
  • hoser

    So Hendricks got caught screwing around?

    There was a leaked video of him on the pid commenting on the good looking sisters on the department and how they could get you in trouble

    He seems like a slimeball

  • hoser

    So it seems the exjw community is setting policy for the governing body

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    Eventually..........everyone gets a Heavenly Hope


    I agree with much of what you say. But, I take exception with your above statement. In order to do that, they would have to allow Justification for ALL members. I can't imagine the WT ever reinstating Justification for all members. This has been banned since the 1930's.

    If they did, they would have to admit that they led millions to their grave without them being Justified before God.

  • Vidiot


    …the key to the WT’s retention of its charity status financial survival has the net effect of neutering virtually all the things that they used to hold up as hard proof they alone had The Truth…

    …which, in turn, further undermines the incentive to stay affiliated with the WTS…

    …which, in turn, can’t help but further reduce the overall size of the membership…

    …which, in turn, further decreases the Org’s donation-based revenue flow…

    …which, in turn, places the Org’s survival at greater risk…

    …and so on, and so forth…

    No wonder they’re quietly scrambling to get their little real estate empire up and running.


  • WingCommander


    The real estate part has been up and running for about 10 years now. WT HQ owns EVERYTHING. All property and bank accounts.

    What they are most concerned about now is their new Investment Portfolio's in Ireland and the managing and profiting off of them thereof. They (and the Mormons) could have every member walk away tomorrow, and their status and Cult HQ's would be able to live like Kings for the next 100 years off the interest alone from these investment portfolios.

    The only thing that will truly bring them down? Death by 1,000 lawsuits and media exposure, leading to actual criminal charges and incarceration of the leadership. Think Jeff Warrens of the FLDA. His ass is warming a prison cell.....probably forever. I try to picture the Governing Body behind bars and it just brings a smile to my face. Imagine these overstuffed, greedy charlatans having to slim down and follow orders all day from Correctional Officers. Sweet, sweet justice! I long for the day.

    C'mon PA Grand Jury Investigation: Hurry up!

  • TonusOH

    The people who wanted to take photos with the drama actors were more interested in the Biblical character. It's not like they were getting Tom Cruise to act in the drama. I think they considered it cute to be able to take a snapshot with Moses or David. The six-year-old taking a picture with Mickey Mouse and Disneyland is not interested in worshipping the actor under that costume.

    The WTS worries about the dumbest stuff, sometimes.

  • Vidiot
    WingCommander - “…The only thing that will truly bring them down? Death by 1,000 lawsuits and media exposure, leading to actual criminal charges and incarceration of the leadership.”

    Honestly, they way the Legal Dept. mobilizes like SEAL Team Six the moment their charity status seems threatened…

    …I think revoking their tax-exemption would be more effective (not that the things you suggested wouldn’t be satisfying 😏).

    You don’t fuck with federal revenue agencies… these are the guys that took down Capone.

  • Vidiot
    hoser - “…it seems the exjw community is setting policy for the governing body”

    Hard to argue with.

    Irony’s thick enough to choke on.


  • dropoffyourkeylee

    I wonder if the masturbation-video guy gets many photo requests.

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